Page 13 - CIJ Oct 2024 Digital Edition
P. 13
Air Pollution rises with seasonal shifts:
A ir Additionally, the annual levels. However, the
practice of stubble burning
impact on public health
remains concerning,
in neighbouring states
in India is
with increased cases of
contributes significantly to
undergoing a notable shift the problem. respiratory ailments,
especially in vulnerable
Government measures,
in October 2024 as cooler such as the Graded populations like children
temperatures, crop residue Response Action and the elderly.
burning, and festive Plan (GRAP) and the As the winter season
fireworks cause a rise in National Clean Air approaches, experts urge
pollution levels, especially Program (NCAP), are people to take precautions,
in cities like Delhi and the being implemented to such as wearing masks
Indo-Gangetic Plain. After mitigate the situation. and avoiding outdoor
a period of improved air These initiatives aim to activities during peak
quality due to favourable control emissions from pollution hours. Public
summer conditions, vehicles, industries, and awareness campaigns are
the seasonal decline in construction activities also being conducted to
temperature and changes while promoting the use of emphasize the importance
in wind patterns lead to cleaner fuels and stricter of collective efforts in
the trapping of pollutants. monitoring of pollution reducing pollution.
Clean India Journal•OCTOBER 2024 13