Faber Sindoori conducts housekeeping workshop

Faber Sindoori hasrecently concluded a four-day Housekeeping Workshop on going green. Many hotels and hospitals around the world are cutting costs and conserving natural resources by reducing, reusing and recycling the many different products used by their housekeeping staff. They are also eliminating toxic cleaning chemicals from their housekeeping operations and finding that non-toxic alternatives often get the job done cheaper, safer and just as effectively. Most importantly, they are finding that their guests, clients and consultants respond positively to these environment friendly initiatives.

The main objectives of the workshop have been to create a “green team” of employees to coordinate implementation of new practices, to help in analyzing what the company is purchasing and how it could use products more efficiently.

• Create an incentive programme with rewards for employees who come up with the best ideas or who make exceptional contributions to our company’s environmental efforts.

• Consider working with the green team to draft an environmental mission statement.

• Ensure that all employees are fully informed and trained whenever new practices are implemented and to make sure the environmental programme is included in the routine training for all new staff.

• Post the company’s mission statement and summaries of environmental efforts.

• Involve employees to track their achievements. Then periodically keep announcing successes.

Lathaa Ganesh, Senior GM, FaberSindoori, informs CIJ that during the workshop, copies of the magazine (CIJ) were displayed at the venue. Sindoori has been making effort to create awareness about the need to acquire more knowledge on the housekeeping trends and technologies and appreciating the efforts CIJ has been doing over the years.

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