Industries welcome Clean India Show

The major Industrial Associations supporting the Clean India Show are looking forward to sourcing cleaning solutions and equipment at the exhibition

Rajkot Engineering Association

When we talk about cleaning technology, it is not just related to road cleaning or general premises cleaning but also to industries. With the forthcoming 11th edition of Clean India Show coming to Ahmedabad, I am sure the awareness about cleaning solutions for the industrial segment is going to increase. In fact, our committee members and Association members are already planning to visit the Show.

Many industries are implementing waste solutions and Kaizen practices and with knowledge of the cleaning technology, it will certainly be an added advantage. Clean India’s initiative of spreading awareness on cleaning technology will emphasise that besides keeping the surrounding area, keeping the shop floor clean will improve the performance quality.

Be it an engineering plant or food manufacturing unit, there will be oil spill or food waste generated. There could be contamination and infectious bacteria, fungi and virus. Clean India Show coming to Gujarat is very timely and through the Show definitely cleaning awareness will spread and the exhibitors will have a good opportunity to extend their products and services to Gujarat.

At the Association level, it is only now after associating with Clean India Show, we have actually started focusing at on the cleaning aspects in an industry. We have 1100 members mostly from the Engineering segment.

Waste is also another issue which needs to be addressed. The waste cotton used for wiping machines, if not disposed off in the proper manner could cause pollution. Further wastewater effluent generated by the printing industry in the nearby area is a cause of concern, for which a right solution needs to be put in place.

– Jayesh Radadiya

Hon. Secretary

The Gujarat Dyestuff Manufacturers Association

The information and awareness our members will gather from the show, the seminars and other programmes will enhance our knowledge base. These will also enable the members to look at the feasibility of adopting new technologies in the market and resultantly reduce the pollution levels and meet the Government norms.

The basic and main issue faced by the dyestuff production units is to treat the liquid effluent as per the prescribed norms of the Gujarat State Pollution Control Board. Even though the producers are very close to meeting all the levels, better and proven technologies will definitely help; for example, lowering the BOD and COD.

Solid waste is another issue and Gujarat is probably the only State with so many dumping sites. The dumping is scientifically done as per GPCB instructions, but the government is yet to find solutions for the filled landfills. There is also presence of recycling of waste to some extent. Cement and fertilizer industry consume solid waste to the possible level.

– Manu Brahmbhatt

Executive Secretary

Vatva Industries Association

Today, there is a need for good cleaning and housekeeping practices, however, in Gujarat we do not have a good number of equipment suppliers or service providers, particularly in chemical industry. Through Clean India Show we would be able to meet with good service providers and source cleaning equipment or chemicals.

Speaking from the chemical industry perspective, the spillage in the shop floor or during the time of transportation requires specialised cleaning methods. Water cannot be used for daily cleaning and hence we need high pressure steam cleaning or similar solutions to remove powder chemicals. Previously, to meet the requirement for such machines we procured it from Australia through a distributor based out of Mumbai/Bangalore. But in case of some issues with the machine we have to wait for a week or so to get the distributor to set it right. If we are able to source from suppliers in Gujarat itself, it will save cost and time.

At the production unit we use filter press and centrifuge systems which requires daily cleaning or even two to three times a day. A lot of water get utilised in cleaning these systems. We are looking at cleaning solutions like high pressure whereby we can save water. Again the vessels in the chemical production unit has to be cleaned once or twice a month. With high pressure equipment, it would be much simpler to have them cleaned.

Pollution is also another area of concern as most of the plants are old and with increased production, the effluent treatment plant will not be able to support the quantum. While Vatva has majorly chemical units, we also have engineering, plastic processing, rubber, some pharma and food processing industries. In Naroda, we have chemical, food processing, engineering and plastic units.

Most of the industrial areas in Gujarat are maintained by the Association and we are looking at engaging a service provider to maintain the area.

– Prashant K. Patel

Hon. Secretary

Federation of Small Scale Industries, Vadodara

This is not the first time, we have associated with Clean India Journal and Clean India Show in the past too. Last year, we had a very successful seminar session and we supported the Clean India show in too. This year with the Show coming to Gujarat, the association members will have more opportunity to know about the cleaning solutions and products. Cleaning and hygiene practices is important for any industry, be it pharma, chemical or food.

We have already discussed among the committee members about the Show and we will also be informing all our members. We will also plan a delegation to visit the Show.

– Vinod Desai

Executive Director

Vitthal Udyognagar Industries Association

Clean India Show will create awareness on maintaining cleanliness & hygiene not only among our members but across Gujarat to keep the city and the country clean. In industries, besides other factors, if there is dust on the shop floor, the quality of production will naturally be distorted. Especially electrical goods manufactured here are very sensitive to dust and keeping the environment and surrounding area clean is essential. We are also conducting regular seminars at the association level involving our members and the staff of various industries. The seminars highlight the benefits of cleanliness & hygiene. We also have a door-to-door collection system in place and all the waste is collected from each unit individually. Some of the industries also have the cleaning and effluent treatment plants in place.

Many of them can learn about cleaning methods and practices at the Clean India Show and also look at purchasing equipment which is suitable for their unit. These cleaning practices will help industries as they will be able to improve their production quality and the rejections will be less. About 90% of the industrial area consists of engineering and electrical units while 10% is paints, dyes and chemicals

– L.R. Patel, Secretary

Gujarat State Plastics Manufacturers’ Association

It is overwhelming that Clean India Show is going to be held for the first time in Gujarat. We hope that the latest technologies that will be showcased at the event and will address the cleaning problems efficiently. The show‘s significance has increased with the launch of the Mahatma Gandhi Swachchta Abhiyan this year.

– Ramesh Thummar


The Ahmedabad Engineering Manufacturers’ Association

We are very much pleased to have an opportunity to visit Asia’s leading cleaning show, Clean India Show 2014, in Gujarat. It will be much helpful to our engineering & foundry units of the Association by providing valuable information and guidance to our members.

It will be extremely helpful to the Manufactures for keeping their factories clean and to improve the quality of Products. Some of the cleaning machines are really good and helpful for the Industries. Clean factory premises & floor is unavoidable factor for the best quality products for the market. Clean factory flooring & machines are basic requirement for quality products. So far, we have not arranged any programme in our Association but we may think in this direction in future.

We have already informed all our members about the Clean India Show in Ahmedabad and we are looking forward to it.

– A.K. Patel, Secretary

Federation of Gujarat Industries

Every industry needs proper infrastructure and clean environment to ensure the health and safety of its workers. If the floors are slippery or the machines are not kept clean or maintained there are always chances of mishaps. If MSMEs and larger industries take extra care for cleanliness at its premises, shopfloor and workshops, it will work to their advantage.

Clean India Show being organised in Gujarat and the Seminar held at Vadodara along with the FSSI, are of help to industries. These kinds of symposiums and expos of cleaning equipment and cleaning methodologies with advanced technologies will bring more awareness to the industries. Eventually, more and more industries will start adopting cleaning equipment and help set a better workplace.

We have members from across the segment including manufacturing, tyre, pharmaceuticals, engineering, financial institutions and even public sector companies KIEL and ONGC.

We will highlight the Clean India Show and circulate to all our members about this useful solution. We will also plan a delegation visiting the Show.

– Nitesh Patel

Secretary General

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