Laundry chemical for healthcare sector

Prevents formation of red stains on fabric

For quite some time, health care sector laundries have been facing the problem of red stain formation, which is difficult to remove once formed on the fabric. The reason for this formation is due to disinfectants, medicine and sodium hypochlorite reaction.

Navin Polycon has been continually working on developing products to ease the problem of laundries in the healthcare and hotel sectors. The company has introduced SUPER BRIGHT 300, a unique combination of polymers which neutralises the effect of medicines on the fabric. SUPER BRIGHT 300 is to be dosed at 8-10mI/kg of dry fabric load. The machine is to run at 60°C for 10 minutes, followed by a normal wash with SUPER BRIGHT range of chemicals. This can be followed by sodium hypochlorite wash. However, no further stains form in the process, even after usage of sodium hypochlorite.

This has immensely helped laundries to produce stain-free linen, with many benefits as listed below:

  • Rewash reduced, leading to saving of labour and energy.
  • Safe on fabric.
  • Eco friendly.
  • Complete disinfection of fabric as per hospital standards.
  • Dosage as low as 10mI/kg fabric.

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