Maintenance, Measurement and Equipment Reliability

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Tracking the reliability of facility equipment can help maintain and decrease time spent on repairs. Andrew Gager explains why and how


Is anyone else like me? There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t measure something. I’m a triathlete, so I measure an unusual amount of stuff. How many miles I run, bike or swim? I track my 401k, my gas mileage, and yes, even my budget.

The reason I do these things is that I want to improve in some way. I don’t think that we can ever escape measuring, tracking or following things. As goes our personal lives, so goes our work. “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”, said Peter Drucker.

Whatever you call it – metrics, measurements, or key performance indicators (KPI) – maintenance and engineering managers must have performance measurements in place either to validate that the work their staffs are performing in achieving the departments’ goals and objectives or to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.


This article originally appeared in
 Building Operating Management magazine

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