Mohit Vij, Head, Exports Division, Kibble Enterprises
What drives you to work in the cleaning industry?
I see an endless vision for this industry that gives me the drive to work in this industry. Also, when we look around to see our target audience, it is practically 100% of the Indian population that needs cleaning day in and day out, and the dream of serving every individual gives me a lot of motivation to work for this industry.
Here in India, good cleaning practices are still in the early adoption phase. More people are getting educated about touch-free practices year on year, which gives me a vision of booming demand in coming years. In India, it is believed that there are three basic necessities: Roti (food), Kapda (clothes) and Makaan (Home). Till the time people need a makaan and makaan owners thrive for a bigger makaan, the need for cleaning will continue to rise.
What is the single biggest lesson you have learnt from your senior management?
Never forget the basic values driving your organization.
Grow organically and sustainably
Never forget the first rule. Irrespective of what the circumstances are (raw material inflation, Covid lockdowns), never forget what you are known for, even if it is not profitable at the moment.
As a young leader, what qualities do you bring to the table?
I just believe in Growth. I make sure to educate myself to deliver growth through any means possible, like workshops, reading articles, YouTube educational videos and then uplifting my team with the same values and learnings.
What are the ways in which you are helping your company pivot to a new direction?
Post-Covid, we have observed a better edge for India over global competition, which is easily seen in the rising local demand due to difficulties in Importing from all around the globe. Freight and logistics costs have risen multifold in the last year. Also, the global demands have skyrocketed for India specially.
At this point, our prime agenda is new product development, which is at the highest pace ever, to serve both the markets. We have observed the highest ever export revenues in the history of our business.
What trends do you foresee in the market in the coming years?
We see a huge growth in the market, a lot of value still left to unlock in this industry with the adoption of better and hygienic practices.