Redefining the Cleaning Landscape of India Innovation, Inspiration & Insights

The Clean India Technology Week 2023 – the 19th Clean India Show, Waste Technology India Expo, Laundrex India Expo, and Auto Care Expo – proved to be a tremendous success for the 192 exhibitors and buyers from 61 segments seeking the latest in cleaning, hygiene, smart technology, pest management, waste management, laundry, dry cleaning, and auto care solutions.

CTW2023 once again surpassed previous records with 9,688 visitors queuing up to witness the latest innovations, new launches and AI-based solutions which are fast changing the Indian cleaning landscape. The unique and striking features of the exhibits included a range of innovative solutions, Make in India products, contract manufacturers with international standards products, green chemicals, robotics, smart technologies, waterless washing and more.

A much bigger show, CTW2023 redefined the concept of cleaning from the traditional and semi-automatic methodologies to fully automated, digitalised, sustainable, and environment-conscious approach. As the three days kept the exhibitors busy on their feet, they also witnessed many deals being concluded, volume of business being sealed and a substantial line of prospects to work on.

About 88 new exhibitors participating from various parts of India, included established players and also, startups catering to the local market and looking at expanding their reach across the country through CTW2023. Many players in the B2C space venturing into D2C and B2B segments, participated at the show. Expanding the scope of the exhibitions, CTW2023 saw increased participation in pest management, cleaning chemicals, and software solutions among others.

Visitors walking in were awed with the expanse of products on display with most FM professionals understanding the sustainability, ESG and net zero quotient and ticking the products and solutions they can source to meet their goals.

The tides are turning with Indian manufacturers now exporting their products across countries. India is moving towards becoming a hub for cleaning product manufacturing and increasing exports in the coming year. With the auxiliary industry catching up to the cleaning product manufacturers demands, soon the country will witness exports soaring towards meeting the country’s vision.

From municipal officials to circular economy consultants, corporate real estate heads to small service providers, laundry franchise owners to proprietors of individual laundromats – everyone found something noteworthy and implementable at the Show and during the knowledge-sharing sessions.

The true success of the event was evident with exhibitors already committing to return for the next Show, with bigger stalls and even more solutions for a growing India.

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