Roots Expansion Programme

Roots Multiclean Ltd with its 15 branch offices throughout India has been manufacturing and distributing commercial & industrial cleaning machines for the past 17 years. Over the years the sales have increased considerably and the product range of machines developed and manufactured in India has also been extended. Roots has started a major expansion programme by adding to its manufacturing facility in Pollachi in South India. A new factory building 43,200sqft area will have facility to manufacture machine tools, additional assembly line and a new powder coating facility. In addition, Roots has launched a new SAP installation to cope up with the strong growth of the company.

Talking about the expansion plans, Ruediger Schroeder, President and CEO, Roots Multiclean Ltd, told CIJ, “We have a good two digit growth over the last two years. For this year we are expecting a growth of 30%. Therefore, it is important that we double our capacity. We will be manufacturing scrubbers and sweepers and single disc machines on the facility.”

According to Schroeder, “The cleaning machine market as well as the equipment market in India will grow around 20%. The demand for economical, robust and simple machines which are made for Indian applications will increase considerably.”

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