In washrooms, germs in damp areas and on door handles. Conventional faucet handle in washrooms also houses germs, so touching the handle, even after washing re-contaminates cleaned hands. The problem multiplies when cloth or paper-towel dispensers, or even air blowers that require a button to be pressed, are used. So when soap and water are not readily available, alcohol based hand sanitizer can come in handy. When rubbed on the hands for about 30 seconds, it tends to slow down the growth of micro-organisms.
The CDC recommends routine use of alcohol-based sanitizers, noting that compared to soap and water, alcohol-based sanitizers are easier & quicker to use and cause less skin irritation. Sanitizers reduce the chances of catching common cold, spreading cold to others and even protect from contagious viruses like H1N1. It is important to establish hygiene rules to ensure cleanliness in the workplace – especially when it comes to washroom hygiene.
Alcohol sanitizers have 65-90% alcohol content and are instant disinfectants and kill 99.9% bacteria, certain fungi and viruses – all within a minute of application. The active ingredient in hand sanitizer – usually alcohol – disrupts the coating of virus and bacteria particles. By damaging the exterior of the particle, the virus becomes deactivated. Despite common perceptions, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are well-adapted to the skin. Use of alcohol-based hand gels dries skin less, (significantly decreases epidermis water content), than hand washing with soap and water. Alcohol based hand rubs provide a better skin tolerance and prove to have more effective microbiological properties as compared to antiseptic soaps. Most brands of sanitizers also contain a moisturiser to minimise skin dryness and irritation. Moisturised hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of common germs and bacteria without subjecting the skin to the harsh and drying effects of alcohol.
According to a new German study, alcohol-based hand disinfectants reduce the number of cases of the common cold, fever and cough in an office environment, and decrease the number of ‘sick days’.
Ankit says, “Absenteeism in the workplace and schools can be cut by up to 50% by installing hand sanitizer stations in accessible locations. In some cases hand sanitizers work better than hand washing because a bathroom sink can breed bacteria and germs. Proper hand washing procedure requires a time period for antibacterial soap to remain on the skin and sink faucets are touched regularly by different people promoting the spread of viruses and bacteria.”
Hand sanitizers are gels that contain Isopropyl alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the skin. The alcohol works immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria and most viruses. The quality & effectiveness of the hand sanitizer is dependent on the volume-fraction of alcohol contained in the solution. A CDC study reports that 70% alcohol content is considered to be more effective at eliminating bacteria and fungi from the skin than a 50% solution. A study by Ontario’s Provincial Infectious Disease Advisory Council (PIDAC) found ethanol content in the range of 70-90% to be most effective at killing bacteria provided the hands are not visibly soiled.
Different facilities offer gel hand sanitizer in different locations. Hotels usually prefer a mild fragrance in hand sanitizers due to aesthetic reasons whereas hospitals do not appreciate any fragrance in their hand sanitizers. It would be ideal to offer hand sanitizer in public hallways and cafeterias, nurse stations and inside patient rooms, mounted onto the wall at shoulder level. Alcohol based hand rubs are extensively used in the hospital environment as an alternative to antiseptic soaps. In corporate offices, various fragrances in hand sanitizers are widely acceptable. Meeting and boardrooms are also good places to have hand sanitizes. In schools, using hand sanitizers is a great alternative to washing hands as the process is quick and effective without a mess. At many schools it is offered in cafeteria entrances.
The sanitizer works on contact, meaning it is effective on the parts of your hands that it touches. That means if you miss a spot between your fingers, there could be viruses or bacteria in that place. Ensure that the sanitizer makes contact with the complete surface of your hands, especially in between your fingers. Having said, a hand sanitizer should not replace hand washing.