BIAL unveils Green Map

Besides conducting a tree planting activity on the World Environment Day, Bangalore International Airport Ltd is reinforcing its larger commitment by unveiling the Green Map of the airport. This has…

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Reducing Indoor Pollutants

Indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental health risks. Usually the best way to address this risk is to control or eliminate the sources of pollutants and ventilate…

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Facilities Management in India

The Facilities Management (FM) market in India has strong and direct correlation with the construction sector’s growth. Due to massive scale of the construction market and largely available geographic space, FM market revenues in India are higher than other nations such as Singapore that are smaller in geography. But, compared to rest of the world and some developed countries, the Indian FM market is still at a nascent stage. In terms of market maturity, understanding, and acceptance of such services by end users, India still has a long way to go.

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Sustainable O&M

“Operations and maintenance” (O&M) includes all aspects of running a building over the course of its useful life. Because of the far-reaching nature of O&M, a well-designed and properly executed…

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