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Garbage War

  Wars have usually been associated with money or power. Who ever thought of gun-battles for empty plastic bottles, broken glasses, polythene bags, rotten vegetables or urban filth? Ancient Italian…

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Tapping Waste Water for Drinking

In dry countries like Israel, Egypt, and Australia, treated wastewater is used for industry, landscaping and agriculture purposes. But worldwide, a few countries put it directly into their drinking water supplies. In Durban, South Africa, the demand for water has outstripped supply so much that the authorities are now planning to recycle municipality’s sewage and purify it to drinking quality standards.

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Living in Lovedale and Lovin’ it

Choosing a holiday destination rarely features cleanliness on the grid analysis. It’s all about recreation and relaxation and getting away from a monotonous routine. So here I am on the long and winding road from Coimbatore to Ooty…

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