Personal Hygiene

Toilet Finder

In a country where 64% of citizens defecate in open and 6.4% of the GDP is lost in health costs, productivity losses and reduced tourism revenues, it is essential to…

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Hand Sanitation

Over 80,000 children from the Kiambu region in Kenya celebrated the Global Hand Washing day on October 15 by pledging to wash their hands at least five times a day.…

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BCIHMCT’s hospitality event Over the years, the Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BCIHMCT) Ensemble has become a platform for interaction among the catering and hotel management…

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Women & water woes

Civil society and NGOs are talking about a decentralised approach to water management initiatives with women at the centre. The framework should reflect the complex water situation and ground realities; or else, women will continue to bear the entire burden of having to provide water to the family.

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