The Pride of Cleaning

It does not matter if people do not notice our contribution towards keeping the country clean. But those who notice, appreciate our work. Recognition from those who understand our efforts is all that we need,” says Ajay Kumar S, a janitor with 247 Facility Services Pvt Ltd.

“I feel I gained more knowledge about things and people after joining the cleaning job than what my 10th standard textbook could have ever taught me.”

Ajay Kumar S

I am my client’s favourite!” says a proud Ajay Kumar. Having taken the cleaning job right after schooling, this Bangalore-based lad wanted to do something different and his wish was granted when he joined a housekeeping firm. “None of the jobs I opted earlier appealed to me,” says Ajay. According to him, the challenge in doing the cleaning job is a motivation in itself. Adding to that is the appreciation one receives from clients for a work well done.

Trained to undertake all kinds of cleaning jobs, Ajay is well equipped to handle any challenging situation. “I have been with this company for six years now. The technical aspects and cleaning methods that I have learnt over the years working here, I could not have got from any school or certificate courses. It is during training that I learned how to dress, talk, walk, interact and gain the appreciation from my bosses and clients. Not just cleanliness, I have also learnt to take care of the hygiene aspect. We janitors understand the need for a fresh and clean environment.”

Cleaning job has its own urgency and it has also to be done within a given span of time. “If a client wants the office to be ready for the visiting delegates, we get into action and finish the work fast. Understanding the importance, we do up the place in half the time available to us,” adds Ajay. “A reception area of about 8000sqft can be cleaned within 45 minutes to an hour and if it is a small area of 1000sqft, cleaning is completed within 20-30 minutes.”

Ajay is fully aware of the importance of safety at workplace. “We cannot afford accidents. At the time of an untoward incident, the employer does not take responsibility for the damage and the onus falls on the janitor at work. I take full precautions to avoid accidents and place caution boards wherever needed.

“During rains, continued cleaning and safety aspects become all the more essential. Workplaces get very dirty and often cleaning becomes difficult. We do not panic in any circumstance because we are used to it by now. We are trained well to know exactly how conscious we should be in any given environment and manage it.”

He opines that people with clean hearts will always be wanting the environment to be clean as well. “The bond between janitors and the supervisors has to be good. If people with similar thoughts about cleanliness work together, the tasks in hand turn easier and enjoyable.”

Ajay’s learnings and knowledge have helped his near and dear ones too. “My family consisting of parents, siblings, wife and child is my driving force. They are very proud of the job I do. I have completed seven years in this field. It is an achievement, especially when I successfully pass on my experience and knowledge to my family and friends.” Confident at his job and his future, Ajay takes pride in choosing to be a janitor.

Well, there are so many Ajays doing the cleaning job and planning to make it their career. But how much can they grow? Has the cleaning industry set a growth path for such Ajays?



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