Vedant Matta, Director-Sales, Charnock Equipments Pvt Ltd

What drives you to work in the cleaning industry?

The fact that we can contribute to the overall improvement in the cleaning and hygiene standards of India. Unfortunately, India has a reputation for being ranked as one of the dirtiest countries in the world, and we have the opportunity to help change this reputation. The pandemic has made everyone realise the importance of cleaning, hygiene and sanitisation, and we need to capitalise on this newly found awareness to ensure mechanised cleaning and sanitisation and best hygiene practices are implemented in domestic, commercial, municipal and industrial environments.

What is the single biggest lesson you have learnt from your senior management?

Well, there are actually two lessons, which I have learnt and which have stayed with me:

  • Strive for excellence and eliminate mediocrity.
  • Common sense and quick thinking are the biggest assets in any aspect of your professional life.

As a young leader, what qualities do you bring to the table?

Being assertive: Assertion is often mistaken as aggression but they are poles apart. I advise all my colleagues to be direct and proactive. Being assertive requires a person to be empathetic, listen carefully and always have the customer’s best interest as their highest priority.

Curiosity: The more questions you ask, the more clarity you get to be able to provide the best solutions. This applies to your internal organisational clients as well as customers/buyers.

Mentorship: As a young leader in the organisation, I love to play the role of a mentor. It helps me instill my colleagues with a sense of ownership and responsibility, and create ‘Intrapreneurs’.

What are the ways in which you are helping your company pivot to a new direction?

Personally, I rely on four simple principles, which I try and implement to ensure a sustained growth for the organisation:

  • Clarity of goals and targets
  • Communication of the goals and targets
  • Implementation of the set goals
  • Listening to feedback from your team and customers

What trends do you foresee in the market in the coming years?

The pandemic has increased awareness about mechanised cleaning, hygiene and sanitisation. There is a promising and positive outlook for the cleaning industry in the coming years. I see the cleaning industry moving towards sustainable technology, automation and digitisation in this decade. One big trend that I see coming to our country is that of preventative products; these products will not only clean but also protect from potential problems related to cleaning and hygiene.

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