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Waste collection utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) with the technology of smart wireless sensors will enable to gather fill-level data from waste containers, hence providing a waste monitoring solution that brings up savings in waste collection costs. One of the challenges to the local authority is how to monitor the works of contractors effectively and efficiently in waste management. This paper is a proposal to the local authorities for the implementation of smart waste management in Malaysia to improve the city management and to provide better services to the public.
Local authorities always face difficulty to monitor work done by waste collection services providers. SWMS acts as automatic enforcement system to penalize the contractor who breaks the contract. This solution helps monitor the contractor and brings information of garbage container status and reports automatically when it is full. This valuable information can be used by local authority for monitoring purposes and enforcement; by waste collection contractor to get alerts on the status of containers in terms of fill levels in order to optimize collection routes based on historical and real-time information and hence save operation cost; by the joint management body in charge of the waste chamber in residential areas to know the status of waste of each chamber and keep it clean
Case Study for SWMS
SENSdumpster filling level monitoring is an innovative device that monitors the filling level of a dumpster. It works with any kind of waste and fits to any type of dumpster. It makes use of a volumetric sensor that provides information of the level of filing of a dumpsters. A temperature sensor is able to detect significant temperature increases that may result in fire. SENSdumpster is a fully ZigBee wireless device that can be integrated to any ZigBee network deployment within the smart-city.
SWM System Architecture
SWMS can help local authorities in decision making for future waste collection schedule. The waste collection regularity can be monitored, analysed, and rescheduled based on the waste level in garbage containers. Using sensor technology can help reduce the operation time for waste collection process. This sensor can detect the level of garbage in the bin.
Conceptual system design
GSM modules are used for communication for SWMS to transmit data from the sensor to the local server. The sensors need to be equipped with the GSM module including the SIM card and need to subscribe mobile data packets.
SWMS concept by GSM communication
Conceptual workflow
There are three main players in the work flow of SWMS — local authority, waste collection contractor and citizen. The local authority is responsible to add, register and view data sensor and also update and view contractor, view and update waste schedule plus and respond to complaints. The waste collection contractor is responsible to pick up waste based on the indicator appearing on the map and respond to the status of each bin in their job scope. The citizen will give the feedback by filling in the complaint form online.
Web Application
Work flow diagram of SWMS
SWMS consists of web browser, mobile browser and mobile apps as shown in the Figure. The method used to design and develop Core Smart City application is called Device Agnostic Solution. This is to address the increasing number of people browsing information over the web with
difference devices, viewer resolutions and browsers. Device Agnostic Solution is suitable for most devices (ideally all devices) and be responsive nevertheless. These responsive designs which strictly obey the device-agnostic approach, without any doubt, present the content in the best possible manner that is appropriate for the device on the screen.
Web application for SWMS
The hardware involves three type of platform which are being used – waspmote, myrio and arduino. The platform is powered by solar panel.
SWMS Spatial Elements
The scope of work for proposed SWMS GIS spatial data is to provide geo-location of authority boundary area, contractor maintenance and waste bin location.
i. Collect the Spatial Data: The data will be gather by meeting with related authorities for each selected area according to the Smart City GIS System proposed category.
iii. Solve the Issues Occurred: After finishing analysing and acquiring the outcome results, some recommendations and solutions can be suggested to overcome the issues.
iv. Prepare the Data within the Scope Needed: After the data is corrected, the spatial data will be prepared according to each category of Smart City GIS System for each selected authority.
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The objective of SWMS is to provide value-addition to the existing SWM process for waste management under local authorities, to help in decision making for waste management processes, to ensure the contractors follow the work procedure, and to improve waste collection services delivery which comes under the responsibility of local authority.
System Implementation
Ultrasonic wireless sensor
There are four level indicators for waste bin level:
1. Green: less than 50%
2. Yellow: less than 100% and more than 50%
3. Red: more than 100%
A typical concept for Smart Waste Management has concluded that the system will use ultrasound sensor and GSM network as tools to measure and transmit sensor data to the server. It requires a powerful, modular, easy to program open source sensor platform for the Internet of Things enabling system integrators to implement reliable Smart Cities and M2M solutions with minimum time to market.
M F Omar, A A A Termizi, D Zainal,
N A Wahap, N Ahmad
Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA), Malaysia
N M Ismail, Geoinfo Services Sdn, Malaysia
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Science, Volume 37, conference 1