A number of slum clusters in Ahmedabad has been plagued with problems of water contamination and diseases every summer for years now. The mixing of sewage water with drinking water is responsible for this periodic outbreak of jaundice and cholera. The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is now thinking of making nanoparticle composite-based water filters available to the residents in these slum clusters. The AMC’s health department will introduce these filters to the women in each of the slum cluster and will move forward after gauging the response it receives.
The trace quantities of silver ions in these special filters are effective in killing a wide spectrum of bacteria and viruses. While a number of silver-based biocidal compositions have been synthesized, the filter candle in these nano filters has to be changed every year. It costs Rs300 for every changeover. These filters don’t require power to operate and are economical in comparison to RO systems.