Page 10 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 10


          Converting plastic,                       Waste-to-
          biomass into                              steam plant

          manure                                             he

              t is reported that researchers at              Municipal
              the University of Agricultural                 Corporation
              Sciences, GKVK, have installed  Thas announced
              a pyrolysis unit to convert plastic   the establishment of a
         Iand biomass into valuable manure          300-tonne-per-day solid
          and pesticide. The process is found to be   waste-to-steam plant
          yielding a range of useful products. Like   operating under the Public-
          when applied to plastic waste, it produces   Private Partnership model.   economy by utilizing Refuse
          char, a key material in asphalt and brick   The plant is to be constructed   Derived Fuel (RDF). The
          manufacturing. It also generates syngas, a   by Surat-based Steamhouse   technology, first time in
          clean-burning gas that fuels the pyrolysis   India on a 5-acre plot at   India, aims at reduced
          unit itself, and bio-oils that can be used for   the Pirana Waste dumping   environmental impact,
          various energy applications. Processing   site. Ahmedabad produces   low operational costs, and
          biomass through pyrolysis produces        approximately 4,000 metric   efficient resource utilization.
          biochar. According to UAS, the hydrogen   tonnes of solid waste daily.   According to AMC, the
          gas produced during the process can also    Utilizing the waste-to-  project is expected to
          be an income generating option. Biochar   steam (WTS) German         provide a more cost-effective
          can be used in industrial applications    technology, the project    solution for steam generation
          like water purification, air filtration and   aims to establish a circular   compared to conventional
          production of activated carbon.                                      waste-to-energy plants.

          Composting facility at Goa University

                 mphasizing the           inaugurated on the grounds of Goa   commissioning and managing the
                 collaborative effort     University recently. Designed and   facility. The composting site at Goa
                 and commitment           developed by Ekam Eco Solutions   University signifies a milestone
                 to environmental         Pvt. Ltd, and sponsored by DCB   in the journey towards a more
         Estewardship, a state-of-the-    Bank as part of its CSR initiatives,   sustainable future, where waste is
          art integrated composting facility   the facility showcases innovation   not just disposed of but transformed
          with a capacity of processing 657   and expertise in waste management   into valuable resources through
          kilograms of wet waste per day was   solutions. Alterenergyz would be   responsible practices.

               APRIL 2024•Clean India Journal
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