Page 13 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 13


             Attero, Recykal on                                       Sewage treatment unit
             e-waste recycling                                        in Vadodara

                         n the occasion   Gupta, Co-founder and CEO,            first-of-its-kind unconventional
                         of World        of Attero, spoke about the             decentralized multi-stage reactor
                         Recycle Day     need for proper disposal of            (UDMSR) for sewage treatment
                         which fell      e-waste, particularly lithium          in Luna village of Padra taluka
             Oon March                   batteries. His company was  A of Vadodara, was inaugurated by
             18, industry leaders re-    exploring ways to extract    the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) in
             affirmed their commitment   rare minerals and metals     association with the Padra Industries Association and
             to sustainability through   from e-waste with over 98%   Farmers’ Action Group. The reactor will facilitate
             recycling of waste. Nitin   efficiency. Initiatives like   treatment of sewage for agriculture purposes. This
                                         the Digital DRS behavioural   pilot project will be replicated in urban areas in
                                         change program had diverted   future.
                                         over 1.5 million plastic
                                         bottles from sensitive        The technology has been developed by Upendra
                                         areas like Kedarnath. The    Patel, a professor at the Civil Engineering
                                          Company’s ‘Samudra          Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering
                                          Manthan’ project reclaimed   of Maharaja Sayajirao University. The 25 kilolitre
                                          over 70,000 metric tons of   per day (KLD) UDMSR system can service a
                                         ocean-bound plastic waste,   population of around 500. The design is modular and
                                         contributing to environmental   can be modified to accommodate more flow in the
                                         preservation and resource    future. Each segment can be detached for cleaning
                                         conservation.                and maintenance and no skilled labour is required.

                                                                                 Clean India Journal•APRIL 2024  13
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