Page 15 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 15


             NDMC’s green initiatives for                                     Waste-to-
             waste management                                                 steam plant

                      he New Delhi          to Bulk Waste Generators                   he Ahmedabad Municipal
                      Municipal Council has   (BWGs) practicing on-site                Corporation has announced
                      taken proactive steps   waste processing, fostering an           the establishment of a
                      toward sustainable    environment friendly community.            300-tonne-per-day solid waste
             Twaste management              The Corporation has put in place  Tto-steam plant operating under
             by establishing six community   resolutions of many Service      the Public-Private Partnership model.
             Organic Waste Converters       Level Agreements . The improved   The plant is to be constructed by Surat-
             in residential areas. Through   daily door-to-door collection has   based Steamhouse India on a 5-acre
             door-to-door initiatives, organic   eliminated traditional dumping   plot at the Pirana Waste dumping site.
             waste is collected and composted   sites. These are now used in Roll   Ahmedabad produces approximately
             at these facilities. Over 1,500   Call centers for SafaiKarmis.   4,000 metric tonnes of solid waste daily.
             households have engaged in     There are also 36 GPS-enabled       Utilizing the waste-to-steam (WTS)
             home composting following the   vehicles for Municipal Solid     German technology, the project aims
             distribution of composting bins   Waste (MSW) collection that    to establish a circular economy by
             during a survey.               ensure a streamlined process      utilizing Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).
               NDMC has secured the         and an Integrated Command and     The technology, first time in India,
             7th position among India’s     Control Centre to monitor vehicle   aims at reduced environmental impact,
             cleanest cities with a population   movements and provide auto   low operational costs, and efficient
             exceeding 1 lakh, because of   tipper routes. There are six new   resource utilization. According to AMC,
             its waste management system    Decentralized Material Recovery   the project is expected to provide a
             and integration of innovative   Facilities and all waste is diverted   more cost-effective solution for steam
             technologies. Comprehensive    to the Waste-to-Energy (WTE)      generation compared to conventional
             guidelines have been provided   Plant in Okhla.                  waste-to-energy plants.            CIJ

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