Page 19 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 19


                    Commitments of TIAL             It also comprises five stages
                                                    – Identification, Storage,
                    Operational Net Zero: 2029      Segregation, Recycling and
                    Carbon Neutrality: 2025         Disposal. All the waste generated   ZERO WASTE IS OUR GOAL.
                    ACA Level 4+ accreditation: 2025  from airport operations is being   OUR AIM IS TO GENERATE
                                                    collected, segregated at source
                    Zero Waste to Landfill          into hazardous and non-hazardous   LESS WASTE AND STRIVE
                    Certification: 2024             categories, stored and disposed   TO REUSE AND RECYCLE
                                                    of by adhering to applicable   MATERIALS FOR THE
                    Environment                     regulatory requirements.       SAME PURPOSE OR FOR
                    management                       The process to achieve an     SECONDARY USE.
                      The Airport is certified for   efficient sustainable waste
                    Integrated Management System    management is guided by four   that materials are processed in
                    Certification. (ISO 9000:2015,   major goals under the Zero Waste   the most environmentally sound
                    ISO 14000 :2015, ISO 45001      Initiative which follows 5R    manner.
                    :2018)                          Principles.
                                                                                     The operations and activities of
                      It is also certified for Energy   •  Zero Waste to Landfill  both the international and domestic
                    Management System (ISO          •  Zero Incineration           terminals generate around 350 kg
                    50001:2018) Certification.      •  Zero Unauthorized Disposal  organic waste every day. To manage
                      Regular Environment Monitoring   •  Zero Effluent Discharge   this waste in a sustainable way,
                    is being carried out at site and   We ensure that food and     an organic waste-biogas power
                    all the parameters are within the   organic waste is converted into   generating unit for treating 500 kg/
                    standard norms. TIA is effectively   biogas which is then converted   day has been set up based on the
                    implementing an Environment     to electrical energy and used for   CSIR-NIIST technology.
                    Management Plan across the      operations. In fact, our airport
                    site and is regularly carrying   has completely converted organic
                    out environment monitoring      wastes to biogas. The airport
                    with respect to air, noise, water,   complies with all
                    wastewater and soil. Reports    applicable EHS
                    are being submitted to all the   requirements
                    regulatory authorities, as a part   to ensure
                    of the Six-Monthly Compliance

                    Solid Waste
                      The Airport waste
                    management is based on
                    the cradle-to- cradle
                    concept wherein the
                    focus is on Reduce,
                    Reuse, Recycle,
                    Recover, and
                    upcycle the
                    waste back
                    into the

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                                                                                 Clean India Journal•APRIL 2024  19
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