Page 20 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 20


                                          Cart Vehicles), converting of R22   radius around the airport) &
                                          refrigerants to R32 refrigerants   Environment Monitoring for D.G
                                          and building systems optimization   Stack Flue Gas Emissions is carried
          IN TERMS OF                     (HVAC, BMS). Conversion of      out by engaging MoEF&CC &
          MAINTENANCE AND                 conventional lamps into LEDs is in   NABL accredited laboratory, and
          SUSTAINABILITY, THERE IS        the final stages in all areas.  all the results are observed to be
          A NEED TO DISCUSSING              By 2024, it is proposed to install   within stipulated standards.
          BEST PRACTICES AND              captive on-site solar/wind power   The study area represents, mostly
          INITIATIVES THAT BENEFIT        plants, purchase renewable/green   suburban environment with sources
                                                                          of air pollution like vehicular
                                          electricity via Power Purchase
          THE STAKEHOLDERS CAN            Agreements from renewable energy   traffic, domestic fuel burning
          BE A GOOD MEASURE.              suppliers and purchase Renewable   and aircraft movement in the
                                          Energy Certificate (REC) to offset   vicinity of the take-off & landing
                                          scope 2 emissions.              corridors. Thus, there are three
          Energy Savings                    Another move is the conversion   ambient air quality monitoring

           Installed Capacity of Renewable   of airport operators’ conventional   stations covering both upwind and
                                                                          downwind directions.
          source of energy is 0.5MW       vehicles (except fire tenders and   Environment Monitoring for Soil
           The conventional lights have   tugs designated for towing of cargo   Analysis is also being carried out
          been replaced with LED lights in   and passenger transport) to EVs for   by MoEF&CC and NABL.
          all the possible locations which   Airport Operator’s Fuel emission
          has reduced the total energy    reduction by March 2024.        Biodiversity & Wildlife
          consumption. The number of        For emissions associated with
          chillers at airport premises are   fire tenders and tugs designated   Management
          reduced by combining the chiller   for towing of cargo and passenger   Non-destructive Wildlife Hazard
          lines of Arrival & Departure areas.   transport, purchase Certified   Management techniques are
          Proactively controlled lighting   Emission Reductions (CERs) -   practiced and organic chemical
          systems are provided. The landside   carbon credits.            spray is carried out to control
          streetlights are made operational                               weeds & grass. Five acres of green
          on timer basis according to the   Water treatment and           cover with local native plants
          daylights.                      disposal/recycling              and 3,100sqm of herbal park are
            Sensitization of the team &                                   developed. Airside inspection is
                                            A Sewage Treatment Plant
          continuous follow-up is done for   (Activated Sludge Process based   practiced at regular intervals and
          further improvising the airport   STP) of 500 KLD is installed at   accordingly the wild animals are
          environmental & sustainability   the site for treating and handling   relocated to the safer areas.
          aspects.                        the domestic sewage generated
           Timely maintenance and         from airport premises. The treated   Noise control &
          monitoring of AHU’s filters &   wastewater is utilized for gardening   biodiversity
          coil, chillers, cooling towers is   and horticulture activity within   Following safeguard measures
          being carried out at TIA. Regular   airport premises.           are taken for abatement of noise
          monitoring is also being carried out                            emissions:
          for the same. Six Electrical vehicles   Water Conservation
          (e-vehicles) are introduced at TIA,                             •  DG Set has acoustic enclosures
                                                                             & muffs
          for operations to reduce the GHG   As part of water conservation,
          emissions.                      water taps have been installed with   •  Maintaining the Continuous
                                          sensors in all the washrooms of the   Descent approach by the
          Reduction of CO2                Terminal building. Dry cleaning    aircrafts
          emissions                       of solar panels is being carried   •  Standard instrument arrival
                                          out instead of water wash. Treated
                                                                             & departure procedure is
           Reduction of Scope 1 Emissions   water from the STP is utilized for   implemented to minimize the
          is achieved through many        gardening & horticulture purposes.  noise levels of aircrafts
          measures.                                                       •   Control on the vehicular noise
           Like deploying 14 Electric     Air Management                     level by maintaining speed &
          Vehicles – (12 Cars & 2 Golf      Ambient Air Quality (10km        vehicle conditions

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