Page 24 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 24


                                                                  Jamnagar Airport



                                                                              leads to



                     Managing higher passenger traffic, aircraft traffic, efficient aircraft
                  turnaround times, handling protocol, and maintaining cleanliness and

                      hygiene standards are a few challenges faced during special events.
                 Coordination with various stakeholders, including airlines and security
                agencies helps overcome these challenges and ensure smooth operations

                  are maintained. Jamnagar’s Airport Director Dhananjay Kumar Singh
                     enumerates how the airport embarked on a maintenance strategy to
                                     achieve operational excellence and sustainability goals.

                amnagar Airport serves    handling high-profile national and
                as a domestic airport     international guests, was a well-
                and an Indian Air Force   coordinated effort by the airport
                base in vibrant Gujarat.   team. Meetings with staff and
           JIt is the only airport in     shareholders, together with
          Gujarat with two runways that   support offered by other
          permit commercial as well as    agencies made the
          private flights. In light of high-  mission successful.
          profile events hosted in the city   The entire
          of Jamnagar, the airport has risen   experience
          to the occasion, deftly handling   was a great
          numerous challenges associated   learning
          with infrastructure, operations,   curve
          maintenance, and logistics.     for all
          Dhananjay Kumar Singh says, “The   staff
          airport reached a historical moment
          as it received an ‘international
          airport status’ for 10 days. Tackling
          infrastructure and logistical
          challenges, including the arrival
          and departure of aircrafts, and

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