Page 26 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 26


          involved. The biannual Customer   Best Practices for a New      different service providers. Airlines
          Service Index conducted by AAI                                  including Air India and Star Air,
          ranked Jamnagar Airport at number   Airport                     handling agencies such as Kalinga
          12 and this was a good accolade to   A new airport should prioritize   and AIASL, and fuelling agents
          receive for the hard work.”     passenger experience by using   like Jio-BP and IOCL are a few of
                                          technology for safety and security   the service providers for Jamnagar
          Maintenance and                 and adopt sustainable practices to   Airport.

          Sustainability                  reduce the environmental impact.
           Routine checks and repairs     This way, a new airport can define   Cleaning and Sanitation
                                          its role as a hub for connectivity,
          combined with advanced          innovation, and sustainability.   Regular cleaning and sanitation
          technologies and green practices,                               practices ensure an all-round clean
          offer a good strategic approach to   Smart Solutions            environment within the airport
          airport maintenance.                                            premises. Cleaning frequency
                                            Advanced traffic management
           Service providers prioritize   systems improve traffic flow    is increased during high-profile
          safety and efficient operations   and safety within the airport   events to ensure compliance with
          through regular inspections     premises. Smart logistics solutions   hygiene protocols.
          and infrastructure maintenance   ensure efficient handling and    With attention to detail and
          such as Terminal, Apron, and    transportation of goods. Sustainable   adherence to global standards,
          parking facilities. Sustainable   aviation fuel (SAF) options and   Jamnagar Airport has successfully
          practices are implemented       the usage of electric vehicles for   ensured the smooth functioning of
          through energy-efficient lighting,   ground transportation are some   critical facilities. The commitment
          waste management, and water     options currently explored by AAI   to prioritize sustainability and best
          conservation measures, to reduce   and its stakeholders.        practices enables Jamnagar Airport
          the environmental impact.                                       to navigate new challenges
                                          Airport Traffic and             in the aviation
          Hygiene and Cleanliness         Service Providers               space.
           Touchless automatic sensor-
          based taps in washrooms and       Roughly 600 passengers travel
          urinals, touchless hand driers, and   through the Jamnagar airport,
          automatic air fresheners are some   daily. Ground handling,
          of the technologies introduced to   security, airlines, and
          enhance commuters’ experience.   retail operators
          Regular inspections and audits   are engaged
          ensure stringent standards are   through
          followed for food safety and
          washroom hygiene.

          Sustainability Goals
           Jamnagar Airport has worked
          tirelessly through various
          initiatives and partnerships to
          fulfil AAI’s goal of reaching
          net-zero emissions by 2025.
          Jamnagar Airport has
          achieved the target of
          100% Renewal Energy
          (RE) by switching to
          Green Power Tariff from
          August-2023, thereby
          contributing to reduce
          carbon footprint,
          conserve water, and
          promote ESG.

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