Page 30 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 30


          •  Usage of 1.8 MW captive solar   at SEEM National Energy      Service Providers
            plant to reduce dependency on   Management Awards.
            grid energy                                                   Engaged
          •  Implementation of no ‘single-  Advice for new airports         Essential services for airport
            use-plastic’ usage within airport   There is a steady rise in preference   operation that are provided by
            premises                      for air travel among the public. This   external service providers include,
            Jaipur Airport has developed   trend aligns well with the increase   housekeeping services (Janitorial
          a mini forest under Vriksh Kunj   in the number of upcoming airports   Service, Pest Control, Waste
          -- a theme by the state forest   across India. Various government   Management Service), Repair/
          department -- and simultaneously   initiatives including, the Udaan   Maintenance Services (Airport
          facilitated a natural pond for   Scheme to promote Regional     Systems, IT systems, HVAC),
          rainwater harvesting. Over 4,000   Connectivity encourage passengers   and Security Services (provided
          saplings of local species have been   residing in Tier 2 and 3 cities to   by CISF across all airports in the
          planted here and another 1,500   travel by air. Keeping in line with
          fresh ones will be planted.     the rising demand, Vishnu Jha says,   country).
           The airport’s Sustainable      “new airports have become lifestyle   Government agencies like
          Development Goals include ACI                                   India Post, APHO (Airport
          Level 4+ by 2025, Zero waste      Nowadays, airports offer      Health Office), IMD (Indian
          to landfill & transition to green   customized services to passengers.   Meteorological Department),
          electricity by 2026, being water-  Various industries are offered an   Indian Customs, and Bureau of
          positive by 2027, and Operational   opportunity to grow and generate   Immigration are providing direct
          Net Zero by 2029.               employment within the airport   and indirect services on behalf
           The actions taken for          premises.                       of the Govt of India. Ground
          Environmental, Social and       Jaipur Airport Traffic          Handling Agencies, Oil Marketing
          Governance have been appreciated                                Companies, and In-flight Catering
          and rewarded with the Gem 5       Jaipur is the only international   Service Companies provide their
          certified Green Building award by   airport in Rajasthan and caters to   services for the smooth operation
          ASSOCHAM, APEX India Green      passengers traveling to various   of airlines.
          Leaf Award – Gold Category,     locations in the Middle East and
          and the prestigious Silver Award   Far East countries. Jaipur Airport   Service partners are operating
                                          is connected to 23 domestic     around 85 different outlets in
                                          destinations (including all metro &   the terminal and landside, which
                                          most Tier 1 cities), through seven   provide world-class F&B, retail,
                                          domestic airlines. On average, 16,500   and other offerings, including
                                           passengers travel through the airport,   essential services like Money
                                               which is primarily for tourism,   Exchange, Baggage Wrapping, Cab
                                                  business, education,    Service, and ATM facility.
                                                      medical, weddings,
                                                        conferences, and    Jaipur Airport reflects its
                                                           events.        commitment to excellence with
                                                                          state-of-the-art facilities, robust
                                                                          maintenance schedules, and
                                                                          innovative green initiatives. The
                                                                          operations are streamlined to
                                                                          meet sustainability goals without
                                                                          compromising on passenger safety,
                                                                          comfort, and experience. Serving
                                                                          as a shining example of aviation
                                                                          excellence, Jaipur Airport’s
                                                                          operations pave the way to meet
                                                                           the evolving challenges of modern
                                                                           air travel and environmental

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