Page 33 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 33


                   Integrating sensors and        that emit
                 monitoring systems to detect     low levels
                 maintenance issues early         of volatile
                 helps prevent breakdowns.        organic
                 Incorporating features such as   compounds
                 durable finishes and protective   (VOCs) improves
                 coatings enhances resistance to   indoor air quality.
                 wear, tear, and environmental      Designing
                 factors. Implementing preventive   washrooms with
                 maintenance measures, such as    easy-to-clean surfaces,
                 regular inspections and cleaning   hands-free fixtures, and
                 schedules, prolongs the lifespan of   adequate ventilation minimizes
                 the facility and ensures continued   odours and maintains cleanliness.
                 aesthetic appeal.                Implementing frequent cleaning
                   “Install effective HVAC systems   schedules and providing sufficient   and fire
                 with adequate air filtration to   cleaning supplies to maintenance   extinguishers
                 maintain indoor air quality and   staff is prime.                   throughout the terminal
                 control humidity levels. Design    In terms of sustainability,      to ensure rapid response to fires
                 should consider accessible       provide recycling bins and waste
                 spaces for maintenance staff to   separation stations throughout the   •  Integrating security checkpoints,
                 reach critical infrastructure such   terminal to encourage proper waste   surveillance cameras, and
                 as HVAC systems, electrical      disposal and recycling. Install waste   access control systems to
                 panels, plumbing, and fire safety   compactors or balers to reduce   enhance passenger safety
                 equipment. Regular maintenance   the volume of waste generated   •  Incorporating sound-absorbing
                 and upgrades can improve the     and facilitate efficient disposal.   materials, acoustic panels, and
                 HVAC system performance and      Implementing initiatives such as   insulation to minimize noise
                 reduce energy consumption.       composting food waste, reducing    levels within the terminal
                   Integrate sensor technologies   single-use plastics, and using eco-  •  Creating designated areas
                 into the building design to facilitate   friendly cleaning products will   for passengers who require a
                 proactive maintenance and        minimize environmental impact.     quieter environment, such as
                 monitoring of complex structures.                                   meditation rooms or relaxation
                 Sensors also help detecting changes   Other aspects that should be   lounges
                 in temperature, humidity, and    considered include                By considering these aspects
                 structural integrity, enabling early   •  Clear and accessible emergency   during the design stage, airport
                 identification of potential issues   exits with appropriate signage   terminals can be built to effectively
                 and timely intervention to prevent   for evacuation routes       manage maintenance, ensure
                 damage or deterioration. Choosing   •  Fire suppression systems like   passenger safety and comfort, and
                 building materials and furnishings   sprinkler systems, fire alarms,   promote sustainability.

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