Page 38 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 38


                                                       and sensitive zone.
                                                       The entry of man
                                                       & equipment is
                                                      controlled, and
                                                      access is given after   HYGIENIC MAINTENANCE
                                                     necessary checks     OF WASHROOMS AND
                                                     and verification by   LOUNGES FOR BOTH
                                                   authorized agencies.   PASSENGERS AND STAFF IS
                                                  Hence all permissions
                                                and permits must be valid   CRITICAL
                                              at all points to have smooth
                                            operations.                   give input on any visible wastage
                                            In the case of new airport    observed and thus help plug
                                          projects, the intricacy of design   unnecessary cost escalation.
                                          elements used proves to be        As new airports lean towards
                                          challenging for maintenance.
          Factors Impacting New           Continuous training of manpower   offering world-class services by
                                                                          adopting international airport
          Airport Projects                is important in process, behaviour,   models, the FM team benefits
           The design of the airport needs   service excellence, safety, and   from working side by side from
                                          emergency drills. Imparting soft
          to be user-friendly and all the   skill training is necessary as   inception, to provide end-to-end
          facilities should be easily accessible   manpower is deployed at passenger   solutions successfully.
          by all users of the airport, including   touchpoints and they engage in   Services including, the upkeep
          passengers with restricted mobility.   human interactions; the prestige of   of infrastructure and facilities, and
          The quality of fixtures and fittings   the airport needs to be maintained.   managing security and cleanliness,
          should be durable and able to   With regards to safety training,   improve the overall efficiency
          withstand heavy usage. The airport   the staff is trained on the operation   and functionality of airports. By
          needs to be sustainable and must   and maintenance of machines, and   addressing maintenance needs
          focus on ESG. Nowadays, the     the usage of chemicals. They also   promptly, FM services provide a
          consumables procured for cleaning   undergo mock & emergency drills.   safe, comfortable, and enjoyable
          are more eco-friendly and there are                             experience for travellers and airport
          ESG-certified vendors to vet these   FM Involvement at          personnel.
          products.                                                          Moving ahead, continuous
                                          Design Stage                    investment and innovation
          Challenges of Servicing           FM can play a supporting role   like using robotics in facility

          Design-intensive Facilities     in maintaining the upkeep of an   management will be essential to
                                          airport facility. As part of the
                                                                          meet the rising demands of ever-
           The ecosystem of the airport is   project management team, the   evolving demands of modern
          different as it is a high-security   concerned FM service provider can   airports.


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