Page 41 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 41


             Integrated Solutions

             for all Airport Needs

             Ranging from chemicals, tools,
             machines to hygiene & sanitation

             The goal of any airport is to maintain high levels of
             cleanliness & hygiene to ensure the safety and comfort
             of passengers and staff. “We have come up with a
             comprehensive range of products including cleaning
             chemicals, tools, equipment, paper products & dispensers,
             hygiene, catering solutions and sanitation, all at a single
             sourcing point for airports,” says S Vanchinathan, Head Sales
             – SAARC, Rossari Professional.

            “        oday, we are providing    to meet industry standards and    Waterless Urinals
                     comprehensive solution    regulations.”
                     to over 35 airports across                                  Solutions
                     India, including Mumbai,   Hygiene Solutions                  Naturesani, a patented design, is an
             TChennai, Leh & Ladakh,                                             innovative odourless and waterless
             Srinagar, Chandigarh, Amritsar,     The range of paper products and   urinal bowl and along with a range
             Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar, Kochi,    dispensers are made from high-    of other products, controls odour and
             Vizag, Madurai, Delhi T2/T3,      quality materials that are both   water wastage. It provides a hygienic
             Udaipur, Goa, Bangalore, Hyderabad,   absorbent and durable, the Concord
             Bhopal, Andaman & Nicobar and     and Green World brands have       and eco-friendly solution for airports.
             Maharishi Valmiki International   set high benchmarks in quality,     Naturesani has received awards –
             Airport – Ayodhya among others,”   reliability, and trust.          Golden Peacock Award for Innovative
             says Vanchinathan. The various                                      Product/Service 2024, and FICCI
             brands under Rossari Professional   Inflight Catering Solutions     Special Jury’s Award in “Innovation
             strive to “reshape the way airport   The Freshee range of products   in Water Technology” 2023. It saves
             hygiene is approached by leveraging   include aluminium foils, aluminium   around 1,50,000lt of water annually,
             the expertise, innovation, and quality   containers, etc., that are ideal for   provides 5X germ reduction using
             products of Freshee, Naturesani,   inflight catering where hygiene and   Symrise technology and up to 97%
             Concond, Green World and Airoseal”.   freshness are paramount. These come   less chemical usage. It helps save on
                                               in individually wrapped packaging   electricity costs, and the
             Solutions from Chemicals,         and are hygienically sealed.      plumbing incurs no
             tools to machines                                                   additional
               There are multiple surfaces in   Air Quality Solutions
             airports that require specific and   Airoseal is a premium fragrance
             common chemicals, not just to meet   range that provides a touch of luxury
             the cleaning and hygiene standards   and freshness to airport facilities,
             but also to ensure the facility’s   creating a pleasant and inviting
             sustainability. From sanitary, floor,   atmosphere for travellers and
             carpet to steel, there is a requirement   staff alike. With a variety
             for effective solutions to combat   of captivating scents,
             a wide range of contaminants      Airoseal adds a sensory
             commonly found in airports. “We   element to the overall
             have developed a range of specialized   hygiene management,
             and innovative products to address   ensuring that
             these needs and can be customized to   airports not only
             meet unique cleaning requirements.   look clean but also
             These chemicals are formulated    smell delightful.                                                 CIJ

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