Page 45 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 45


                  into high-margin business services.   These moves were aimed at   operations, we have enhanced
                  We began by venturing into food   not only expanding our service   productivity and safety across
                  services, background verification   portfolio but also enhancing our   various sectors, particularly in
                  company, sales enablement       margins and market position. By   manufacturing.
                  companies and so on.            the early 90s, we had established
                   Here is a list of our other    ourselves across major metro cities   Your insights into UDS’
                  services. Denave offers a       and tier-two towns. Today, we   future plans and areas
                  comprehensive range of services   operate in over 40 regions, catering   of growth?
                  encompassing sales, channel     to diverse industries.
                  management, and marketing for                                     Looking ahead, we remain
                  IT/ Tech companies, consumer    Can you shed some               committed to our strategy of
                  durables, FMCG, and BFSI        light on UDS’ approach          diversification and innovation.
                  industries. These include demand   to technology and            We will continue to explore new
                  generation, lead management,                                    segments within the B2B space,
                  inside sales, database management,   innovation, especially in   leveraging our expertise and market
                  digital marketing, sales and retail   the context of Facilities   presence. Additionally, focus on
                  analytics, customer outreach,                                   further integrating technology
                  field force management, and field   Management?                 into our operations to drive
                  marketing. Matrix Business        We have heavily invested in   efficiency and enhance customer
                  Services India Pvt. Ltd is engaged   technology to enhance efficiency,   experience. Our recent IPO has
                  in business assurance services and   streamline operations, and offer   provided us with the resources to
                  employee background verification.   value-added services to our clients.   pursue both organic and inorganic
                  Avon Solutions & Logistics      Our focus has been on digitizing   growth opportunities, and we are
                  Pvt. Ltd focuses on mailroom    our operations, enabling remote   excited about the possibilities that
                  management and niche logistics   management, and leveraging     lie ahead. Listing has not only
                  solutions. Global Flight Handling   automation where possible. While   provided an exit for minority
                  Services Pvt. Ltd provides ground   we understand the importance of   investors but also reinforced our
                  service support for airlines. Tangy   technology, we also recognize the   commitment to transparency and
                  Supply & Solutions Pvt. Ltd     need to offer these advancements   governance. It is a testament to
                  deals with procurement, marketing,   as part of our service rather than   our journey and credibility in the
                  and trading of cleaning materials,   charging customers separately.   market.
                  chemicals, and housekeeping items.   This approach ensures that we stay
                  Stanworth Management Pvt. Ltd   ahead in the competitive landscape
                  specializes in facility management   while delivering added value to our
                  services, particularly in star hotels.   clients.
                  Fusion Foods and Catering Pvt.
                  Ltd offers corporate and industrial   One notable investment
                  catering services. Washroom     is in Peppermint,
                  Hygiene Concepts Pvt. Ltd       manufacturer of
                  provides washroom sanitizing and   robotic cleaning
                  hygiene solutions. Athena BPO   machines. By
                  offers inbound and outbound call   integrating
                  centre services, back-office support,   robotics
                  business process outsourcing, and   into
                  data processing services.       our
                   Breaking into the market was not
                  without its challenges. Convincing
                  businesses to embrace a holistic
                  approach to facility management
                  required perseverance. Initially,
                  businesses were apprehensive about
                  consolidating all services with one
                  provider. It took time to establish
                  trust and showcase the benefits of
                  integrated FM solutions.

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