Page 46 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 46


                                                    For a Chemical

                                                                 Free Planet

                                                             Cizar Hygiene Care Pvt Ltd is a start-
                                                                 up providing natural bio-enzyme
                                                        solutions for cleaning, hygiene, and waste
                                                         management. The company is committed
                                                               to high-quality natural and organic
                                                         products. CEO, Devendra Singh, talks to
                                                                                 Clean India Journal

          At a time when the              employed by cleaning chemicals.   friendly and highly efficient
                                          The current technique is based on
          demand for instant              the cleaning procedures established   products can contribute to the
                                                                          earning of carbon credits.
          solutions is at its             by Doctor Sinner, who determined

          highest, what are the           that an acidic or alkaline solution   Cizar’s range of
                                          would accomplish the necessary
          solutions available in the      cleaning.                       products and the
          market today?                     But Cizar’s method makes      segments you are
                                          use of unique live active bio-  focusing on
           Cleaning chemicals occupy      enzymes; these use a process called
          almost all of the market today;   bioremediation to destroy the   Our selection of 32 Green Pro-
          end users select products based   microorganisms that cause odours.   certified products meet all laundry,
          on availability, brand recognition,                             kitchen, and housekeeping cleaning
          popularity, as well as distribution.   What are the driving     needs. We take great pride in
          Referrals and the cleaning      factors behind Cizar            our product line, which includes
          standards set by other companies                                waterless urinals, STP cleaning,
          play a significant role in the   products?                      organic waste conversion to
          decision-making process. It’s an   Our vision is to un-chemical   manure, and water treatment, all of
          easy decision because the end-  the world by using natural, safe   which are meant to have a major
          users do not have to upset the   solutions that are good for people   impact on urban
          apple cart and their personnel is   and the environment. We founded   planning.
          used to the existing conventions.   the company with the goal of
          But with the recent emphasis on   providing a sustainable solution to
          sustainability and ESG, there has   the globe, and we are happy that
          also been a growing desire for cost-  we have been successful in our
          effective products that can meet the   endeavour. We now want to
          increasing demands.             reach out to more consumers
                                          and create awareness about
          How different are the           the advantages of our
          solutions offered by            products.
          Cizar?                            By using less
                                          plastic and
           Cizar’s cleaning solutions     conserving
          are chemical-free, which is the   water, our
          complete opposite of the science   environmentally

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