Page 32 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 32


                                                            Airport Infrastructure


                                                                  for Effective


                                                            When designing an airport terminal,
                                                                  several aspects related to overall

                                                         maintenance, access, indoor air quality,
                                              safety, acoustic design, washroom maintenance,
                            and waste management need to be considered. Nandita Bhatt,

                    Executive Director-Planning, Airport Authority of India, opines that
                    engaging with stakeholders, including airport authorities, architects,

                          contractors, and maintenance personnel, throughout the design
                     and construction process will ensure alignment with sustainability
                  objectives and maintenance requirements. In conversation with Clean

                         India Journal, she breaks down each aspect that will reduce the
                 challenges faced in effective & quality maintenance and sustainability.

                          irport designs while   easy to clean, and require    at the same time, integrating
                          meeting sustainability   minimal maintenance should   maintenance-friendly features into
                          goals also appreciates   be considered. “For example,   the design is equally essential. This
                          the need for         choose sustainable and durable   may include incorporating access
               Aincorporating cleaning         materials for the construction of   panels or removable sections for
                and maintenance programs. This in   intricate designs. In case of using   easier maintenance and repair
                turn requires strategizing, planning,   wood, it is essential to opt for   without compromising the overall
                preventive & predictive measures,   responsibly sourced wood certified   aesthetic appeal.
                and a complete understanding of   by organizations like the Forest   Speaking of high access points,
                the airport design. By embracing   Stewardship Council (FSC) to   providing safe and efficient
                sustainable design principles,   ensure ethical and environment   access to high areas for cleaning
                leveraging advanced technologies,   friendly practices. Additionally,   through platforms, catwalks,
                and prioritizing maintenance   alternatives to solid wood, such as   and maintenance corridors is
                considerations, airports can   engineered wood products, which   important. “Consider the placement
                successfully transition to complex   offer comparable aesthetics with   of equipment such as scissor lifts
                building designs while meeting   improved dimensional stability   or cherry pickers for accessing
                sustainability goals and retaining   and sustainability could be   high areas; and implement
                aesthetic appeal.              considered.”                    safety protocols and training for
                 Selection of materials that     While, collaborating with     maintenance staff working at
                are resistant to wear and tear,   architects, engineers, and designers   heights.”

               APRIL 2024•Clean India Journal
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