Page 11 - Clean India Journal - August 2023 Digital Edition
P. 11

News Track

                  UltraTech joins zero-                                           Goa cracks
                  emission truck initiative                                       down on single-

                  For selected road corridors in                                  use plastic
                  western India                                                   The tourism-
                                                                                  dependant state is
                        ltraTech has partnered   across the country. The cement
                        with World Economic   sector can provide an ideal         grappling with waste
                        Forum (WEF)’s         use case for the early adoption
                  UMoving India initiative,   of zero emission trucks. At              he Goa government has directed
                  which was launched by WEF   UltraTech Cement, we are                 the State Pollution Control
                  at the G20 Energy Ministers’   committed to evaluate all             Board to take necessary action
                  meeting in Goa.             means to reduce our emissions  Tagainst the violators of single-
                   Supported by India’s       and environmental footprint.        use plastic (SUP), including imposing
                  Ministry of Ports, Shipping   We see large scale deployment     penalty, seizure of SUP items,
                  and Waterways and under     of zero-emission trucks and         levying environmental compensation,
                  NITI Aayog’s e-FAST India   LNG/CNG vehicles as the             suspension of commercial licence and
                  program, Moving India aims   next key initiative to make our    sealing of the manufacturing units.
                  to develop India’s first zero-  operations more sustainable.”    Environment director Sneha
                  emissions road freight cluster   The launch of India’s first    Gitte directed the board to conduct
                  in the west coast of India   zero emission road freight         inspection drives at regular
                  in the states of Gujarat and   cluster and engagement of        intervals along with the urban
                  Maharashtra. Moving India   leading corporates in this          development departments to identify
                  brings together the government   initiative is a crucial first step.   manufacturers and suppliers of
                  and the private sector to deploy   In the coming decade, road   banned SUP items, including plastic-
                  over 550 zero-emission trucks   freight demand in India is set   coated SUP items through contact
                  in select road corridors in this   to become the second largest in   tracing.
                  cluster.                    the world. A transition to zero-     The board has been told to
                   Affirming UltraTech’s      emission trucks can lead to         take necessary action against the
                  commitment to this crucial   2.8–3.8 gigatons of cumulative     violators, including imposing
                  cause, UltraTech MD, KC     carbon dioxide savings              penalty, seizure of SUP
                  Jhanwar said, “India is     through 2050, which is equal        items, levying environmental
                  the second largest cement   to or greater than India’s entire   compensation, suspension of
                  producing country in the world,   economy-wide annual GHG       commercial licence/sealing of the
                  with cement plants spread   emissions today.                    manufacturing.                 CIJ

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