Page 15 - Clean India Journal - August 2023 Digital Edition
P. 15

ConferenCe report

                                                                                  CEO, MOD; Dheeraj Gupta, MD,
                                                                                  Jumbo King; Dr Sudhir Tamne,
                                                                                  QA Head, Burger King and Sudha,
                                                                                  QA Head, Papa Jones Pizza.

                                                                                  Sessions for FM
                                                                                    In his keynote address, Kiran
                                                                                  Rao, Director – Building Care,
                                                                                  Diversey India stressed the threefold
                                                                                  importance of designing cleaning
                                                                                  products that are user-friendly,
                                                                                  economical and eco-friendly. Ashish
                   In another keynote speech, Chef   the industry’s culture and education.  Poddar, Executive Director, CBRE
                  Paul Kinny, Director of Culinary,   Panelists for the discussion about   South Asia, delivered another
                  The St Regis Mumbai, discussed the   ‘Operational Challenges Post-  keynote address on ‘Emerging Trends
                  innovative ways hotels have adopted   Pandemic’ – Yogesh Deshmukh,   in the FM Industry’. He stressed the
                  to serve guests in the post-pandemic   Director of Services, Westin   increasing significance of facilities
                  era, including mobile check-ins,   Powai; Chef Jerson F, Culinary   management and its transformation
                  digital room keys and increased   Director, Accor Group; Varsha   from a merely operational role to
                  cleaning measures.              Punjabi, Hygiene Manager, St    a strategic one. Poddar pointed out
                   A panel discussion on          Regis Mumbai, and Rinku Mondal,   how office design now mirrors and
                  ‘Sustainability with Modern-    Regional Housekeeper, The Lalit   reinforces an organisation’s culture,
                                                                                  serving as a tool to incorporate this
                  Day Challenges’ was moderated   Mumbai and Ajay Sharma, Cluster
                  by Bhuvanesh Khanna, CEO,       GM, ITC Fortune – discussed the   culture among employees, especially
                                                                                  in this age of hybrid work.
                  BW Communities. The panelists,   challenges faced by the hospitality
                  including Harkaran Singh Sethi,   industry in the aftermath of the   He also highlighted the rising
                  GM, Radisson Marol; Manish      pandemic.                       demand for flexible, on-demand
                  Dayya, GM, Sofitel Mumbai         They highlighted issues such   FM services and the importance of
                  BKC, Ajoy Balakrishnan, GM,     as manpower shortages, the need   integrating sustainability into their
                  FF Marriott and N Nishant       for operational efficiency and the   core practices. He advocated for
                  Kumar, Hotel Manager, Marriott   changing preferences of guests. They   a shift in focus towards employee
                  Executive Apartment, discussed the   also discussed the measures they have   well-being and data-driven decision-
                  importance of sustainability in the   taken to overcome these challenges,   making.
                  hospitality industry.           such as installing waterless urinals.  The discussion on ‘Inclusive
                   They shared their initiatives, such   The third panel – about   Innovation’ featured Saji C
                  as reducing water and food waste,   ‘Sustainable business practices   Sebastian, COO, Quess IFMS);
                  switching to LED lighting and   - integrating profitability and   Taher Nalwala (COO, Al Jamia
                  implementing digital waste tracking.   hygiene’ featured Paul Warren,   Tus Saifiyah University) and Nikhil
                  The panelists also emphasised on the   WBC, Business Head, APAC, BP   Varma,General Manager, Reliance
                  need for sustainability to be a part of   International; Tarak Bhatacharya,   Corporate IT Park Limited), and
                                                                                  was moderated by Kumud Bharti,
                                                                                  Director, IFM Subject Matter
                                                                                  Experts Team, JLL. The panel
                                                                                  proposed a shift in the perception of
                                                                                  roles within the industry to reflect
                                                                                  their true value, such as referring
                                                                                  to janitors as ‘health engineers’.
                                                                                  They also advocated for developing
                                                                                  scientific approaches like cleaning
                                                                                  and hygiene indices to create clear
                                                                                  benchmarks and standards in facility
                                                                                    The last panel on ‘Cost Plus vs
                                                                                  SLA, Which way forward for FM
                                                                                  industry?’ comprised Rahul Kamle
                                                                                  (President – Operations, Crystal

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