Page 14 - Clean India Journal - August 2023 Digital Edition
P. 14

ConferenCe report

          An industry summit on

          sustainable hospitality & FM

          Diversey Inspiria 2023, held in                   Sessions for hospitality
          Mumbai on July 14th, marked                        Karthik Iyengar, Business Director – Hospitality

          a significant milestone in the                    Sector, Diversey India laid out Diversey’s sustainable
                                                            solutions in his inaugural keynote speech. As the
          journey towards sustainable                       company celebrates its centennial, it’s pushing
          cleaning solutions. The event                     the boundaries of what cleaning means, focusing
                                                            on products that conserve resources and promote
          brought together industry leaders,                sustainability.
                                                             Iyengar introduced products like non-liquid-based
          innovators and customers to                       cleaners, intelligent dosing systems and hyper-
          discuss the future of cleaning and                concentrate packaging. He emphasised that Diversey’s
          sustainability in the hospitality and             green-seal products, such as the low-temperature laundry
                                                            system and Flush-me-not water-saving systems, are now
          facilities management industries.                 being manufactured in India. Diversey’s customer shared
                                                            value programs – Soap For Hope and Linens For Life –
          The event was a testimony to                      encapsulate their commitment to sustainable practices.
          the industry’s commitment to                       Jayant Roy, MD, Lindstrom India, shed light on

          driving sustainable outcomes and                  sustainability during his keynote speech. He pointed out
                                                            that Earth Overshoot Day falls a few days earlier each
          adapting to the post-pandemic                     year, indicative of our unsustainable resource usage.
          world. Here is the glimpse of the                 Roy underscored the importance of circular economy
                                                            principles in addressing these challenges and outlined
          discussions and the key takeaways                 Lindstrom’s efforts in adopting these principles, from
          from the day-long sessions                        designing garments for maximum use to recycling 100%
                                                            textile waste by 2035.

               AUGUST 2023•Clean India Journal
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