Page 64 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 64

PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS                                              Solutions for Airport Maintenance

          Sustainable Green Solutions & Waterless Urinals

          Helps create a healthier and safer environment

                    irport cleanliness     leaving behind harmful
                    plays a crucial        residues
                    role in ensuring a   •  By reducing the need for
                    pleasant experience    multiple cleaning products,
         Afor travellers and               airports can streamline
          maintaining the reputation of the   their cleaning operations
          facility. Airports are increasingly   and minimize storage space
          turning to sustainable solutions   requirements
          and Satol Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
          range of green solutions and   Green Earth Restroom
          waterless urinal programs help   Cleaning Range:
          meet challenges of cleaning.   •  Green Earth Restroom
          These include, Green Earth Glass   Cleaning range consists
          Cleaner, Green Earth Floor and   of specialized products
          Multipurpose Cleaner, Green      tailored to address the unique
          Earth Restroom Cleaning Range,   cleaning challenges of airport     Product Code: CIJ 4/20-1434
          and Waterless Urinals.           restrooms

          Green Earth Glass Cleaner:    •  From toilet bowl cleaners to
          •  Formulated with eco-          disinfectants, these products
                                           ensure thorough cleaning and
            friendly ingredients, such     sanitation, creating hygienic
            as plant-based surfactants,    restroom environments for
            Green Earth Glass Cleaner      passengers and staff
            effectively removes dirt,
            fingerprints, and smudges   •  By incorporating these green
            from glass, mirrors, and       cleaning solutions, airports
            facades                        can uphold high cleanliness
          •  Its non-toxic formula ensures   standards while reducing
                                           their environmental footprint
            minimal environmental
            impact and reduces the risk of   Waterless Urinal Program:
            harmful chemical exposure to   •  Waterless urinals offer
            cleaning staff and passengers  a sustainable solution to
          •  By using Green Earth          reduce water usage in airport      Product Code: CIJ 4/20-1435
            Glass Cleaner, airports can    restrooms
            maintain sparkling clean    •  By eliminating the need for
            surfaces while promoting       flushing, waterless urinals
            sustainability                 conserve significant amounts
                                           of water, leading to cost
          Green Earth Floor and
          Multipurpose Cleaner:            savings and environmental
          •  Designed for versatile use,
            Green Earth Floor and       •  Water Savings up to 98%
            Multipurpose Cleaner offer     while using the Satol’s SOP
            efficient cleaning for various   Through the implementation
            airport surfaces, including   of these innovative solutions,
            floors, counters, and walls  airports can create healthier,
          •  Its biodegradable formula   more sustainable environments
            effectively removes dirt,   for passengers and staff alike.
            grease, and grime without                                         Product Code: CIJ 4/20-1436

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