Page 62 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 62


                                           Traceability & Accountability from

                                                           Collection to


                                                           Amidst the hustle and bustle of high
                                                        traffic, waste management tends to get
                                                        challenging. With increasing concerns
                                                      over environmental degradation and the
                                                 need for responsible waste disposal, airports

                                                  are adopting innovative solutions to manage
                                      their waste effectively. Varun Karasia, CEO, Satma CE,
                             speaks about traceability and accountability with technology.

                  he scale of waste       It is imperative to report whether   advanced technologies to enhance
                  generated at airports   the non-recyclable waste has been   traceability and efficiency in
                  varies. Large           disposed of responsibly or, in the   waste management. Through its
                  international airports can   case of recyclable waste, sent for   innovative features, Satma CE
         Tgenerate large volumes,         recycling.                      offers a comprehensive solution to
          like for example, London Heathrow   Traceability in waste       track and manage waste effectively.
          Airport reportedly produces around   management refers to the ability   Satma CE, used in day-to-day
          1,600 metric tons of waste per   to track waste from its source   operations, empowers you to collect
          month, including both solid and   to its final disposal or recycling   data on waste generation/collection
          liquid waste.                   destination. This traceability   patterns, composition, disposal,
           Airports generate a mix of     is essential not just to follow   recycling and processing. This
          solid, liquid, organic, hazardous,   compliance and regulations,   data can be analysed to identify
          construction & demolition,      but also for understanding the   trends, optimize waste management
          medical, and radioactive waste. The   environmental impact. Knowing   processes, implement targeted
          average airport waste comprises   where waste originates allows   interventions for waste reduction
          both operational and passenger-  stakeholders to identify areas for   and recycling and understand your
          generated waste. This includes   waste reduction and implement   environmental footprint. It allows
          waste from retail outlets, food   targeted strategies for recycling and   for seamless communication and
          courts, aircraft services, and   composting.                    coordination among stakeholders
          passenger amenities.              Understanding the composition   involved in waste management
           Transparency and accountability   of waste enables stakeholders to   & can integrate with existing
          are crucial in assuring the     optimize resource allocation for   management systems, enabling
          public and other stakeholders of   waste management, reducing costs   efficient data exchange and
          responsible waste management,   and improving efficiency.       streamlining waste management
          considering the significant volume                              operations.
          of waste generated from a single   Revolutionising Waste          Satma CE enables airports to
          source (in the case of airports).   Traceability                pave the way towards a more
          A software solution that provides                               sustainable and responsible
          traceability and transparency is   Satma CE is a SaaS based     approach to waste management,
          essential for tracking the journey of   cutting-edge waste management   ensuring a cleaner and greener
          waste post-collection from airports.   operations software that leverages   future for aviation and the planet.  CIJ

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