Page 57 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 57


                  Food Safety & Sanitation        automated alerts enable quicker
                                                  response to issues such as
                   Microbiologist-turned Hygiene   equipment malfunctions
                  Manager of The St. Regis Mumbai,   or temperature
                  Varsha Punjabi, runs a tight ship   deviations,
                  enforcing compliance to food safety   minimizing
                  and sanitation guidelines. She is   downtime and
                  an APEC (Asia Pacific Excluding   improving overall
                  China) advisory board member for   operational
                  food safety for Marriott International.  efficiency.
                   Food temperature monitoring,   Hence the
                  vendor audit and various Quality   reports generated
                  Assurance parameters like pH,   from real-time
                  moisture, humidity and storage   monitoring ensures
                  conditions are some of the prime   compliances with
                  factors influencing food safety today.   food safety regulations
                  Before the widespread adoption of   and standards, reducing
                  IoT sensors in hygiene management,   the risk of fines and legal
                  operations relied heavily on manual   liabilities, thereby building
                  monitoring, periodic inspections,   consumer trust and loyalty to the   I DON’T THINK THE
                  and reactive responses to issues.   brand.                      BENEFITS OF THE HYGIENE
                  The introduction of IoT sensors has   By optimizing resource usage and   MANAGER’S ROLE ARE
                  changed hygiene operations.     minimizing waste through better   TANGIBLE. BUT IF CAME
                   IoT sensors continuously       monitoring and control, IoT sensors   TO HAVING HYGIENE
                  monitor critical parameters such as   contribute to sustainable practices
                  temperature, humidity, and sanitation,   within the food industry.  MANAGERS VS NOT
                  reducing the risk of foodborne    Accuracy in decisions with real-  HAVING ONE, I WOULD
                  illnesses by ensuring that food is   time data, allows in depth analysis   THINK HMS HAVE
                  stored, transported, and processed   to identify trends, patterns, and   BROUGHT IN HOLISTIC
                  under optimal conditions. Real-time   opportunities for improvement, and   IMPROVEMENT IN THE
                  data on food quality parameters like   implement continuous improvement   AREAS WE FUNCTION.
                  pH, moisture content, and oxygen   in hygiene and food safety practices.
                  levels, is made available to maintain   Predictive maintenance is   Varsha Punjabi
                  consistency in product quality.  simplified with sensors which
                   With real-time monitoring,     monitor the condition of equipment
                  it is much easier to identify   and facilities related to hygiene   timetables. This ensures that cleaning
                  inefficiencies in processes, such as   practices. By analyzing sensor   efforts are targeted where they are
                  energy waste or product spoilage,   data, hygiene managers can predict   most needed, improving efficiency
                  allowing for targeted improvements   when maintenance or cleaning   and reducing resource wastage.
                  and leading to cost savings in   tasks are needed, reducing the risk
                                  the long run.   of equipment failures or hygiene   Similarly, remote monitoring and
                                      Further the   breaches. They can also track records   management of hygiene practices
                                                  on compliance and reporting. By   is enabled, allowing managers to
                                                  monitoring hygiene parameters   oversee operations from anywhere
                                                  closely, the hygiene practices can be   with internet access. This flexibility
                                                  consistently implemented, leading   is especially valuable for managing
                                                  to improved product quality and   multiple locations or sites.
                                                  reduced risk of contamination or   Overall, the implementation of IoT
                                                  spoilage.                       sensors in hygiene and food safety

                                                    The data collected on the usage   offers a wide range of benefits that
                                                  patterns of facilities and equipment,   contribute to safer, higher-quality
                                                  allow hygiene managers to       food products, reduced costs, and
                                                  optimize cleaning schedules based   improved operational efficiency for
                                                  on actual usage rather than fixed   businesses in the food industry.

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