Page 52 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 52


                                                                      Focussed Agenda of




                                                         Keeping in mind the increasing requirement
                                                       of incorporating sustainability goals, reducing
                                                         carbon footprint and providing cost-effective
                                               maintenance & space management, facility heads and
                                              service providers have set out with a focussed agenda.
                                      Three forward-looking FM professionals, Prasad P Sakharkar,
          Manager-Marketing, Forbes Facility Services, Jai Ganesh Nanjan, Facility Management
          Professional and Immanuel Mohan, Founder, Ark of Sustainability Pvt. Ltd, share their
          vision for reducing carbon footprint in their respective areas of work with Clean India

                   limate change is a pressing   recycling programs to minimize waste   organic material is recycled, and using
                   issue that requires urgent   sent to landfills, including promoting   bio-pellets for fuel, have all contributed
                   action from all sectors   recycling initiatives. Composting   to reducing carbon footprint in addition
                   of society. Says Prasad   organic waste generated from food   to the soft and hard FM services.
         CSakharkar from Forbes            service sites, reusing waste and excess   FM professional Jai Ganesh
          Facility Services, “While much   water at horticulture sites, and reducing   Nanjan lists energy efficiency, water
          attention is given to industries and   single-use plastics within facilities are   conservation and waste reduction
          governments in this fight against   also in place.                 as the top three initiatives to reduce
          environmental crisis, one group of   Eco-friendly cleaning materials and   an organisation’s carbon footprint.
          professionals often goes unnoticed   energy-efficient appliances are procured   This can be done through a variety
          – facility managers or the Facility   and used and a culture of sustainability   of measures, “such as upgrading to
          Management service providers.”   with employees and stakeholders at the   energy-efficient lighting, appliances,
           His team has been working closely   facilities has been cultivated. His team   and equipment; installing insulation
          with clients to achieve the sustainability   monitors and tracks data to assess the   and weatherstripping to reduce heat
          & ESG goals of reducing emissions by   effectiveness of sustainability initiatives   loss; using renewable energy sources,
          45% by 2030. Some of their initiatives   and identify areas for improvement.   such as solar panels and wind turbines
          include using battery-operated cleaning   As part of hard services, the FFS   and implementing energy management
          machines and foam jet machines for   team has increased awareness of   systems to track and control energy
          washrooms, steam cleaners for hard   temperature control with new-era   use”.
          surfaces, optimizing HVAC systems,   devices that improve efficiency by   Water consumption is closely tied
          digital compliance, installing LED   the reduced use of compressors. They   to energy use, as it takes a significant
          lighting and sensors to improve energy   ensure the use of solar to assist power   amount of energy to pump, treat,
          efficiency; facilitating the adaptation   back-up instead of grid power, monitor   and distribute water. He suggests
          of renewable energy sources such as   and maintain DG efficiency to save   conservation methods such as installing
          solar and wind power within facilities   fuel and reduce emissions, help clients   low-flow faucets and showerheads,
          thereby reducing dependency on    shift from engine to electric power and   water-efficient landscaping practices,
          fossil fuels.                    save water by employing sprinklers   reusing water for irrigation and other
           Other initiatives include       and timers. Sakharkar added that   purposes and capturing rainwater for
          implementing waste reduction and   developing kitchen gardens ensured   use in non-potable applications.

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