Page 54 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 54


                                                               FACILITY MANAGERS PLAY A CRITICAL
                                                               ROLE IN REDUCING THE CARBON
                                                               FOOTPRINT OF THEIR ORGANIZATIONS.
                                                   BY IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES
                                                     AND TECHNOLOGIES AND TAKING A PROACTIVE
                                                      APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY, FACILITY
                                                      MANAGERS CAN HELP THEIR ORGANIZATIONS
                                                      CREATE A MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE AND
                                                      CONTRIBUTE TO THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE

                                                    Jai Ganesh Nanjan

                                                Sustainability, focuses on     FMs need to opt for products and
          healthier                            the role of facility managers in   materials in line with sustainability
          and more                          driving net zero through sustainable   principles like energy-efficient
          productive work                  procurement. Sustainable procurement   appliances, eco-friendly cleaning
          environment.                     entails conscientiously integrating   supplies, recycled building materials
           In multi-location office environments,   environmental, social, and ethical   and low-impact furnishings. Such
                                           considerations into purchasing
                                                                             choices mitigate resource depletion,
          Nanjan recommends that facility   processes. “It favours suppliers and   minimize waste accumulation,
          managers develop a comprehensive,   products that minimize environmental   and alleviate carbon emissions
          goal-oriented sustainability plan like   degradation, uphold social   throughout the facility’s lifecycle,
          replacing use of paper and plastic with   responsibility, and adhere to ethical   he said. By scrutinizing raw material
          ceramic and glass.               standards. Carbon footprint reduction   extraction, manufacturing processes,
           Conducting regular energy audits,   stands as a crucial facet of sustainable   transportation, usage, and disposal,
          installing energy efficient lighting,   procurement, along with resource   they make informed decisions favoring
          using renewable energy sources like   conservation, ethical labor practices,   products with minimal carbon
          solar and wind power, upgrading   and support for local economies.”  footprints.
          HVAC systems to energy-efficient   Facility managers need to         Sustainable procurement demands
          models and working with suppliers   meticulously vet suppliers who   perpetual refinement and innovation,
          to reduce their environmental impact   prioritize sustainability, he opines.   says Mohan. Facility managers need
          are other measures to reduce carbon   They need to rigorously assess the   to proactively seek novel technologies,
          footprint in such offices, he suggests.   vendors’ environmental practices,   materials, and practices offering
           Immanuel Mohan, Founder of Ark of   utilization of renewable resources,   heightened sustainability benefits.
                                           adoption of energy-efficient      Embracing renewable energy solutions,
                                           manufacturing, and waste management   waste reduction initiatives, circular
                                             protocols. Partnering with sustainable   economy models, and collaborating
                                                suppliers mitigates the carbon   with suppliers for eco-friendly products
                                                  footprint of the supply chain   drive innovation, propelling the facility
                                                   while endorsing businesses   management industry towards a net-
                                                     committed to sustainability.  zero future.

                                                               TASKED WITH SOURCING DIVERSE
                                                               GOODS AND SERVICES, FACILITY
                                                               MANAGERS HOLD THE REINS TO STEER
                                                       ORGANIZATIONS TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                       SUSTAINABILITY. LEVERAGING THEIR
                                                       PROCUREMENT DECISIONS, FACILITY MANAGERS
                                                      CAN SIGNIFICANTLY DIMINISH CARBON
                                                    EMISSIONS AND ADVANCE THE ORGANIZATION’S
                                                   NET-ZERO ASPIRATIONS.

                                              Immanuel Mohan                                                 CIJ

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