Page 58 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 58


                                            “In today’s world, the        triggered, prompting the cleaning
                                              importance of maintaining   staff to take immediate measures to
                                                 a clean and sanitized    address the issue. This technology-
                                                  environment cannot      driven approach also helps in
                                                    be overstated, as it   early detection of potential
                                                     directly impacts the   hygiene breaches enabling facility
                                                      health and well-
                                                      being of individuals   managers to proactively address
                                                      within these spaces.   them, reducing the risk of infection
                                                      With advancements   transmission.
                                                      in technology,        Real-time monitoring through
                                                      particularly the    IoT based sensors helps in resource
                                                     emergence of
                                                    Internet of Things    optimization. By identifying high-
                                                   (IoT) based sensors,   traffic areas that require frequent
                                                  facility managers can   cleaning, HMs can allocate resources
                                                monitor hygiene in real-  efficiently, avoiding unnecessary
                                             time, enabling them to make   cleaning in low-traffic zones. This
                                          informed decisions to ensure    leads to cost savings while ensuring
                                          safety and cleanliness.         that critical areas are adequately
          FACILITY MANAGERS                 IoT-based sensors, connected   maintained at all times. Data
          CAN MAKE INFORMED               wirelessly through the internet,   collected over time can be used to
          DECISIONS, OPTIMIZE             provide a real-time view of     track trends, assess effectiveness of
          RESOURCES, AND IMPROVE          cleanliness levels within a facility.   cleaning protocols, and identify areas
          OVERALL HYGIENE                 These sensors can be strategically   for improvement.”
          CONDITIONS WHILE                placed in various areas, such as   IoT, connecting devices to each
                                          restrooms, kitchens, and high-touch
          ENSURING THE SAFETY             surfaces, to continuously monitor   other and the cloud, has made the
          AND WELL-BEING OF               hygiene parameters. Parameters   job of the Hygiene Manager more
          INDIVIDUALS WITH THE            could include the presence of   productive with real-time data from
          HELP OF IOT.                    harmful bacteria, humidity levels,   strategically placed sensors, thus
                                          air quality, and hand hygiene   ensuring the customer is served
          Chetali Shah                    compliance, among others.       with the highest standards
                                            The real-time data generated by   of safety and
                                          these sensors is transmitted to a   sanitation.
          Corporate                       centralized platform, where facility
                                          managers can access it through
          Safety & Sanitation             intuitive dashboards. This data
           Food technologist and hygiene   allows them to gain insights
          specialist Chetali Shah from    into hygiene status and
          Jio World, Reliance Industries,   potential problem spots
          emphasises the need to leverage   and take immediate
                                          corrective actions.
          technology for real-time        For instance, if
          monitoring of hygiene and       a restroom’s
          food safety. While traditional   hygiene level
          methods of manual inspections   drops below
          are vulnerable to human error,   a certain
          technology brings a more        threshold,
          accurate and objective view to   an alert
          the dashboard. She shares her   can be
          views on leveraging IoT (Internet
          of Things) for decision making
          and prompt interventions with
          continuous data feed from sensors.                                                                 CIJ
                      Jasmeet Kaur

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