Page 60 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 60



                                                                          Model of

                                                          Fashion Waste

                                                                              Repairing &

                                                  Re-pairing Linen Rentals

                                  The Indian ethnic wear market, currently at INR1.84

                             trillion, discards approximately 99% of purchases within
                            six months. In fact, rental choices is aiding in reduction of

                         92 million tonnes of clothing waste produced annually, says
                         Aanchal Saini, CEO, Flyrobe and Founder, RENT IT BAE, one
                                       of the leading supplier of fashion rentals in India.

                 ach rental saves         monetize their owned products by   to salvage fit parts. These salvaged
                 24,000 litres of water,   renting them out, contributing to a   parts are then reused to create new
                 contributing to the      circular economy while providing   products, effectively minimizing
                 conservation of 6.892    financial benefits to both parties   waste and promoting circularity
         Ebillion litres annually.        involved.                       within the fashion industry.
          With user support, Flyrobe has    Flyrobe’s user demographic has   Having said this, the Indian user
          prevented the production of     shifted from the aspirational class   is price sensitive, and this has to
          500,000 garments in over eight   to millennials. Today’s users can   be kept in mind while building a
          years. Over 6,000 people have   afford to buy but opt to rent to save   model. Some of the determining
          rented their owned products via   money and the planet.         factors include cost, awareness &
          Flyrobe, which is aiming for a                                  importance, knowhows, and ease of
          market share of about Rs400 crores.  Rental companies strive to                       renting.
                                          increase the longevity of products
          Could you describe              by maximizing their rental cycles.
                                          This involves efficiently
          the specific recycling          churning the products through
          processes to repurpose          numerous rental cycles,
          linen waste effectively?        thereby prolonging their
                                          usefulness and reducing
           Fashion brands employ a        overall waste.
          C2C (Customer-to-Customer)        Once a product has
          model wherein existing garments   completed its rental
          are sourced from users and      cycles, the next step
          incorporated into the rental cycle.   involves extensive repair
          This approach allows users to   and re-pair mechanisms

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