Page 61 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 61


                  Are there any                   could prove to be a significant
                  notable initiatives or          game-changer. For a
                                                  business to thrive in
                  collaborations within the       India, profitability
                  fashion industry aimed          must go hand in
                                                  hand with serving a
                  at improving linen waste        meaningful cause.

                  recycling practices?            As pioneers in
                                                  the Indian ethnic
                  •  Thrifting Trend: Supported by   rental space, we
                     celebrities and influencers, the
                     thrifting movement encourages   have witnessed
                     consumers to buy pre-owned   substantial changes
                     clothing, reducing the demand   over the last decade.
                     for new linen garments and   By aligning with the
                     diverting textiles from landfills.  sustainability narrative,
                  •  Repair Sections: Many Fashion   our business has not only
                     brands now offer repair      made profits but also grown.
                     services to extend garment     Our success over the past
                     lifespan, reducing disposal and   decade can be attributed to two
                     promoting sustainable fashion   key factors: educating users about   REGARDING FASHION
                     consumption.                 the benefits of rentals, particularly
                  •  Rental Revolution: Driven by   in saving money — an essential   WASTE, THE SOLUTION
                     millennials and Gen Z, the   consideration given the price   COULD BE THREEFOLD
                     rental fashion market is surging   sensitivity of Indian consumers —   -- THREE STEPS RENT,
                     in India. Embracing rental   and highlighting the environmental
                     models for affordability, variety,   impact of their choices. Our motto,   RE-WEAR OR REPAIR.
                     and sustainability, directly   ‘buy the basic and rent the iconic’,   THE FOCUS TODAY IS
                     reduces linen waste through   has garnered significant attention,   MORE ON RENTAL AS
                     multiple garment rental cycles.  gaining ground with consumers.  IT RESONATES WITH

                  How do you see the                For other industries such as   INDIAN USERS.
                  future of linen waste           repair and re-use, government
                                                  involvement is crucial. Subsidies
                  recycling in the Indian         provided by the government      Aanchal Saini
                  fashion industry, and           can enable businesses to offer
                  what steps are being            sustainable products at prices
                                                  competitive with fast-fashion items.
                  taken to enhance                Government participation can also

                  sustainability in this          accelerate awareness initiatives,
                  regard?                              facilitating a smoother
                                                             transition towards
                   In consideration                              sustainability.
                  of the widespread
                  availability of
                  in India,
                  on the
                  segment                                                                                       CIJ

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