Page 53 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 53


                                                                   AS CUSTODIANS OF THE BUILT
                                                                   ENVIRONMENT, FACILITY MANAGERS
                                                                   POSSESS A UNIQUE SET OF SKILLS AND
                                                        KNOWLEDGE THAT CAN BE HARNESSED TO DRIVE
                                                          SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES AND PROMOTE ECO-
                                                           FRIENDLY OPERATIONS WITHIN FACILITIES.
                                                           THIS IS WHAT MAKES US A KEY PLAYER IN THE
                                                           LARGER MOVEMENT FOR A GREENER FUTURE,
                                                           IN REDUCING CARBON FOOTPRINT AND
                                                           MITIGATING THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE.

                                                         Prasad P Sakharkar

                                                    products and materials, reducing   IEQ can lead to health problems
                Waste                             packaging waste and donating   for occupants, which can reduce
              disposal                         unwanted items to charity, facility   productivity and increase absenteeism.
                                                                                 By implementing measures to improve
              contributes to                   managers can help their organizations   IEQ like controlling temperature
              greenhouse gas emissions as it takes   reduce their waste production and   and humidity, providing adequate
              energy to collect, transport, and dispose   associated emissions, Nanjan adds.   ventilation, using low-VOC paints and
              of waste. By implementing waste    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)   materials and regularly monitoring
              reduction measures like recycling and   is also an important consideration   indoor air quality, facility managers
              composting programs, using reusable   for facility managers, he said. Poor   can help their organizations create a

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