Page 12 - CIJ May 2024 Digital Edition
P. 12


          IoT-based Odour Monitoring
          Technology for Railways

                  he Indian Railways is     bacteria that cause
                  introducing IoT-based     unpleasant smells. This
                  technologies for real-time   initiative extends to toilets
                  odour monitoring of the   across stations and office
         Ton-board toilets. Viliso          facilities as well.
          Technologies, a Mumbai-based startup   Furthermore, Indian
          specializing in odour detection, has   Railways is reassessing
          been selected to pilot this technology   its train watering
          in selected coaches of both Linke   systems to minimize
          Hofmann Busch and Integral Coach   passenger inconvenience.
          Factory variants. This technology   A recommendation from the
          will also be tested on Vande Bharat   Centre for Advanced Maintenance
          (VB) sleeper trains, which are already   Technology (CAMTECH) suggests
          equipped with ergonomically designed,   extending the water filling time per
          odour-free toilets.               rake from 10 to 15 minutes to better
           The Railway Board is exploring   accommodate rising passenger
          the use of Clonon concentrate, a new   volumes and increased water usage.
          chemical agent proposed by Pune-  Implementation challenges remain as
          based Dimple Chemicals & Services.   some regional railways have yet to
          This product claims to eliminate   adopt the recommended measures fully.

               MAY 2024•Clean India Journal
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