Page 13 - CIJ May 2024 Digital Edition
P. 13


             Water and                                      TDB-Remine India partner
             Carbon Dioxide Fuel                            for e-Waste Recycling
             I    n an endeavour to reshape the future of            he Technology Development Board (TDB) has

                                                                     collaborated with startup Remine India to establish a
                  energy production, Sacramento-based
                                                                     commercial plant for recycling lithium-ion batteries
                  startup Infinium has pioneered a process of
                                                                     and e-waste in Uttarakhand. TDB will provide
                  converting water and carbon dioxide into fuel.
                    Situated in Corpus Christi, Texas,
                                                            crore project, as announced by the Ministry of Science and
             Infinium’s Corpus Christi facility employs a   TRs7.5 crore in financial assistance for the Rs15-
             sophisticated process where electrolysers split water   Technology.
             into hydrogen and oxygen, utilizing electricity   The upcoming recycling plant will be situated at Eldeco in
             generated from nearby wind and solar farms. The   Sitarganj’s SIIDCUL Industrial Area, Udham Singh Nagar
             hydrogen subsequently combines with captured   district. Adopting indigenous technology developed by the Centre
             CO2 from local refineries in a series of chemical   for Materials for Electronics Technology (CMET), the plant aims
             reactions, yielding a synthetic fuel with properties   to streamline the recycling process for higher efficiency.
             similar to conventional fossil fuels. With a capacity   The Ministry of Science and Technology shed light on the
             to produce nearly 8,300 liters of e-fuel daily, the   increasing use of lithium-ion batteries in various sectors,
             facility is dedicated to clean energy initiatives.  including electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy
               While e-fuel production faces challenges from   storage, leading to a surge in e-waste. It emphasized the need
             supply chain complexities to cost considerations,   to address the mounting imports of e-waste resulting from
             the advancement of renewable energy technologies   the disposal of spent lithium-ion batteries and increasing the
             offers hope for a future powered by clean,     recycling rate, with only 5% of batteries undergoing recycling
             sustainable fuels.                             and reuse presently.

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