Page 18 - CIJ May 2024 Digital Edition
P. 18


                  raditionally valued     driven helpdesks and IoT systems, to   This includes regular audits of
                  for their exclusivity   streamline operations in maintenance,   physical infrastructure, preventive
                  and security, gated     insurance management, and tenant   maintenance schedules, and
                  communities in India    compliance, potentially boosting   timely upgrades of facilities. The
         Tare now undergoing              efficiency and reducing workload.   management teams are now more
          a transformative shift towards    Furthermore, integrated IoT   likely to include professionals with
          becoming more holistic, and self-  systems allow for everything   expertise in engineering, hospitality,
          sufficient. This evolution reflects   from smart security systems that   and environmental management,
          a change in the aesthetics of these   include biometric scanners to smart   reflecting the complexity of the task
          communities and underscores the   lighting and energy systems. Apps   at hand.
          innovations in facility management   and portals for residents not only   Enhancing resident engagement
          that are essential for their smooth   streamline communication between   and satisfaction is another critical
          functioning.                    the community management and    aspect of facility management
           In India, the rise of gated    the residents but also facilitate   today. The availability of on-site
          communities can be traced back   everything from visitor management   service providers, from healthcare
          to the early 2000s, when rapid   to maintenance requests and amenity   professionals to handyman
          urbanization, increasing income   bookings. Facial recognition   services, ensures that residents
          levels, and a growing middle class   technology (FRT) has been employed   have convenient access to essential
          fuelled the demand for homes that   in a few gated communities   services.
          offered more than just shelter. These   particularly in Hyderabad to validate   Looking ahead, the focus on luxury
          communities became symbols of   entry through a digital database.   and sustainability is expected to
          status and modern living. However,   Building a resilient AI system   intensify. Post-pandemic shifts have
          the real shift has been more    requires a cultural shift within   highlighted the importance of health
          recent, post the global pandemic,   organizations to overcome challenges   and well-being, which will continue
          which recalibrated homeowner’s   like preparing relevant data and   to drive demand for eco-friendly,
          expectations towards larger homes   enabling sharing across various   technologically advanced homes.
          with open spaces, integrated green   segments.                  Gated communities are poised to
          environments, and a plethora of in-  Modern facility management in   be at the forefront of this demand,
          house facilities.               gated communities is characterized   not just as residential options but as
           Modern gated communities are   by a professional approach that   holistic systems that offer a blend of
          modelled as mini-cities designed to   anticipates needs and issues   convenience, luxury, and advanced
          be self-sufficient. The contemporary   before they become problems.   facility management.
          gated community caters to a
          diverse demographic—from
          young professionals and families
          to retirees—each with its specific
          needs and lifestyle aspirations.
          Environmental sustainability
          has taken centre stage, with new
          projects focusing on green building
          certifications, waste management
          systems, and energy-efficient designs.
           The seamless operation of such
          complex living environments
          relies heavily on innovations in
          facility management. Today’s
          facility management goes beyond
          basic maintenance; it integrates
          advanced technology and strategic
          planning to enhance the quality of
          life for residents and ensure the
          sustainability of the community.
          Smart technology has been a
          game-changer in managing gated
          communities. Building Engines’ 2024
          report advocates for greater use of
          automation technologies, like AI-

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