Page 14 - CIJ May 2024 Digital Edition
P. 14


          ESG Professional                                       BMC collects over
          Programme for                                          200MT waste on a

          Sustainability Leaders                                 single day

                  he Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA),        he Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
                  under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,                (BMC) intensified its cleaning and
                  has partnered with HP India to launch the               sanitation drive, with authorities
                  ‘HP Future Impact Leaders - IICA Certified              collecting an astounding 122 metric
         TEnvironmental-Social-Governance (ESG)  Ttonnes of garbage, 21 metric tonnes
          Professional Programme’. This initiative is designed   of bulk waste, and 66 metric tonnes of debris on
          to develop expertise in ESG among corporate social     a single day. A total of 336km of roads have been
          responsibility (CSR) professionals, enhancing their ability   washed clean.
          to navigate and lead sustainability efforts within their   The Deep Cleaning Drive, coordinated by BMC
          organizations.                                         Commissioner and administrator Bhushan Gagrani,
           HP India is backing this initiative by offering 100%   involved 1,403 workers and employees. A total
          scholarships to 75 deserving candidates, demonstrating the   of 336km of road were carefully cleaned, first
          company’s commitment to advance sustainable business   brushing and then washing with water. The increased
          practices. The course provides an in-depth exploration   cleanliness initiative, which has been going on for
          of ESG principles and their practical application in the   the past 23 weeks, aims to ensure cleanliness in
          business world. This initiative marks a significant step   every nook and corner of Mumbai.
          forward in nurturing leadership that will contribute to   Every Saturday, as part of this campaign, sanitation
          sustainable and ethical business practices across industries.  drives are held in all 227 wards throughout the city.  CIJ

               MAY 2024•Clean India Journal
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