Page 25 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 25


                                                  strategies to reduce operational   trained staff mean better
                                                  costs.”                         productivity, which in turn can
                                                    Manoj added: “This is where the   reduce costs. It is a constant
                                                  Smart Washroom came in. Having   endeavour to provide more training,
                                                  identified what can be done in a   helping in career progression and
                                                  washroom to help reduce human   skill enhancement. We have around
                                                                                  12,000 people across about 1,200
                                                  intervention in basic cleaning,   site locations, offering a mix of soft
                                                  where every half hour a janitor   services, technical services, and
                                                  would be required to clean the   integrated FM services, including
                                                  washroom, IoT sensor based soap   landscaping and pest control. Our
                                                  dispensers, napkins, or tissue rolls   gross margins are around 11 per
                                                  came in to the picture. Measured by   cent, and net profits are about three
                                                  the number of footfalls, the janitor   per cent, which is better than the
                                                  would get an SMS alert to go to   industry average.”
                                                  the washroom and do the cleaning.
                                                  IoT enabled sensors monitored     Convincing clients to invest
                     CLIENTS DON’T                the Air Quality in the washroom;   in technology is a significant
                                                                                  challenge for companies in the FM
                    WANT TO REALLY                These IoT sensors can measure 16   business. “The biggest challenge
                                                  parameters of Air Quality in the
                   INVEST IN CAPITAL              washroom and also send alerts.”  when we talk about automation,
                      EXPENDITURE                                                 robotics, and technology-based
                    INITIATIVES: THEY             Investing in manpower           investments is CapEx,” emphasizes
                                                                                  Manoj. “Clients don’t want to
                    PREFER A VENDOR               and technology                  really invest in capital expenditure
                   PARTNER TO OFFER                 For Saurabh, raising the level   initiatives: they prefer a vendor
                    A RENTAL MODEL                of training for the workforce is   partner to offer a rental model.
                                                  critical, as it is for other players in   Keeping this client requirement in
                       Manoj Parekh               the FM industry wishing to make   mind OCS started a rental model,
                                                  an impact. “We are evolving as per   and the question was how to build
                                                  client requirements, and service   a four-to-five-year rental model
                                                  deliveries are much higher when   and deliver that to the client.
                                                                                  After many permutations and
                                                  compared to three or four years
                                                  back. Clients are more impatient
                                                  now, and we are adapting,
                  Changes from the                changing our training
                  service provider side           process, and
                   FM companies increased their   our people
                  range and quality of services in   because
                  keeping with client requirements.   better-
                  Saurabh elaborated: “Technology
                  was one of the major drivers in
                  facility management; we worked
                  on IoT solutions, building
                  solutions around air quality and
                  power quality monitoring. Our
                  setup in Bengaluru helps run the
                  facility from the back end, from
                  conventional facility management
                  to robotics. Specific IoT solutions
                  we implemented include real-time
                  monitoring of HVAC systems,
                  predictive maintenance for critical
                  equipment, and energy optimization

                                                                             Clean India Journal•NOVEMBER 2024  25
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