Page 28 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 28
of delivering services, and
our staff on the ground are
happy because everything
is measured on a real-
time platform. Power BI
dashboards give real-time
data on cleaning hours,
issue resolution, and other
important metrics.
Sustainability and
Net Zero goals
In these modern times,
clients are focused on
sustainability and Net
Zero goals, and technology
in FM should assist them in THE CHALLENGE
achieving these targets. “We are IN INDIA IS THAT
educating our staff on Net Zero THE MARKET IS
and sustainability initiatives,
such as water conservation, STILL DRIVEN BY A
energy audits, green buildings, COST+ MODEL; THE
green cleaning solutions, INDUSTRY NEEDS
and enhancing greenery with TO MOVE TO A
plants that consume less PRODUCTIVITY-
water. We also focus on waste
management by tying up with BASED OR OUTCOME-
vendors who handle e-waste BASED MODEL.
properly,” explained Saurabh.
When asked if these initiatives Saurabh Agarwal
are part of client SLAs, he
noted, “The challenge in
India is that the market is still
driven by a Cost+ model; the
industry needs to move to a based model rather than a
productivity-based or outcome- manpower-based one.” Though
based model. For example, one the industry won’t change
of our clients has implemented a overnight, efforts to adapt have
comprehensive waste reduction begun and are expected to rise
program, reducing their overall over the next two to four years.
waste output by 20% through
recycling and composting Third perspective
initiatives. This not only Clean4U caters to various
benefits the environment but business categories, from
also reduces operational costs.” schools and hospitals to
He added, “Over the next corporates, and has expanded
four to five years, getting from Bengaluru to Coimbatore
manpower for our industry and Hyderabad. Housekeeping
will be a challenge. In the soft and deep cleaning are focus
services sector (janitors and areas.
supervisors), it’s not a job that Naveen Kumar outlined the
everyone aspires to do. Our challenges and solutions: “Blue-
industry needs to move towards collar employees are tough to
a square-foot-based or outcome- find, so clients are looking for
NOVEMBER 2024•Clean India Journal