Page 23 - CIJ Sept 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 23


                  Healthier Choice             with purchasing disposable
                                               products, and our waste
                   Another critical aspect of   management expenses have also
                  our decision was the health and   decreased. This has allowed us
                  safety of our clients. Disposable   and also our clients to reinvest
                  cutlery, particularly plastic, poses   those savings into other areas of
                  health risks due to the potential   our services, further enhancing
                  leaching of harmful chemicals   our offerings.
                  like BPA (Bisphenol A) and     While disposable products
                  phthalates, which can leach into   may seem cost-effective in
                  food and beverages, especially   the short term, the long-term
                  when exposed to heat. By using   environmental and health costs
                  stainless steel, we have eliminated   are significant. Governments
                  this risk, ensuring that the food   bear the expense of waste
                  we serve is not only delicious   management, environmental
                  but also safe for consumption.   cleanup, and healthcare, which
                  Hygiene is paramount in our   ultimately impacts taxpayers.
                  operations, and stainless steel
                  cutlery allows us to maintain   We always believe that
                  the highest standards. It can be   businesses have a responsibility
                  thoroughly cleaned and sanitized,   to lead by example, particularly in
                  reducing the risk of contamination   the face of global environmental
                  and ensuring that our clients   challenges. Our shift to
                  receive the best possible service.  stainless steel cutlery shows our
                                               commitment to sustainability,
                  Cost Efficiency              quality, and client satisfaction.
                                               As we continue to grow and
                   Additionally, from an       evolve, we remain dedicated to
                  operational perspective,     finding innovative ways to reduce
                  the switch has proven to be   our environmental footprint and
                  economically beneficial. While   contribute to a more sustainable
                  the initial investment in stainless   future. We hope that our actions
                  steel cutlery was higher, the   inspire others in the industry to
                  long-term savings have been   make similar changes, proving
                  substantial. We no longer face   that with the right choices, we can
                  the recurring costs associated   all make a difference.

                                                                            Clean India Journal•SEPTEMBER 2024  23
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