Particular matter in the environment has always been a cause of concern since World War II for causing contamination or pollution. Clean India Journal in conversation with Kriti Kelkar, Consultant & Mentor of Spectrum Filtration Pvt. Ltd dives deep into the world of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, which have varied applications, including filtering the air.
HEPA filters represent a significant technology to improve air quality across different environments, from healthcare facilities and industrial settings to homes and offices. By efficiently capturing a wide range of airborne particles, including pollutants, allergens, and pathogens, HEPA filters effectively aid in protecting public health and enhancing the well-being of individuals. Their ability to trap particles as small as 0.3 microns with a 99.97% efficiency rate makes them a valuable tool in the fight against air pollution and the spread of airborne diseases.
As we continue to face environmental challenges and health concerns related to air quality, the role of HEPA filters in providing clean, and safe air will remain supreme.
What applications of HEPA filters and its functions?
HEPA filters are more widely used for example in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, clean rooms, nuclear facilities, electronic industries, manufacture of solar panels, food, and beverages. Using HEPA filters ensures the securing of a clean atmosphere devoid of bacteria and arresting all particle sizes equal to and greater than 0.3 microns.
HEPA filters’ usage is effective when used in conjunction with other inferior filters to meet clean atmosphere requirements. As a stand-alone filter, it will clog quickly and they are not cheap. The inferior filters are put in a sequence first to capture larger dust particles, finer dust particles, and even finer dust particles, and then you add a HEPA filter which is now sufficiently protected by the others in front of it. This arrangement enhances the life of a HEPA filter.
In some segments like operation theatres in hospitals, clean air devoid of bacteria and some viruses has to be supplied for patients’ well-being. In pharmaceutical manufacturing for drugs or injectables, there are guidelines on the atmosphere required in the area for the manufacture of drugs and injectables. Control of particles in the air to a desired size can be achieved through the usage of filters.
Typically, the number of particles per cubic meter of air is the critical question to be answered in the above settings. The requirements are critical and clearly defined. For example, the allowance of permissible limits like 0.5-micron particles per meter cube of air will decide the need to use HEPA or other inferior filters which are efficient but cannot be compared to the efficiency of HEPA filters. HEPA filters are sacrosanct and come with the need to follow a stringent set of protocols. Everything is documented and preserved to be produced at audits. This ensures the efficacy of the HEPA filter. This structure of use is unattached to inferior filters fitted in conjunction with the HEPA filter or others used on their own.
HEPA filters are used in buildings to supply clean and healthy air. Many new devices are in the market like air purifiers which are largely used in commercial establishments and at home as well. The HEPA filters used vary in size. Commercial buildings use HEPA filters which are bigger – 2 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft. There are terminals in buildings that promise you good indoor air quality and additionally, they are used in air purifiers.

How different are HEPA filters to dehumidifiers?
An air dehumidifier is a gadget that functions by regulating the air quality. Whenever you provide HEPA-filtered air in any room, it filters out contaminants and provides clean air but does not regulate the temperature of the air.
Really good air conditioning is required to supply air at a specific temperature. In winter, the air is very dry, and it is not good for health to anyone exposed for eight to nine hours. We need to add humidity to the air by fitting in humidifiers to achieve the desired air humidity.
Coastal areas where the humidity is very high are problematic, and there is a need to control and reduce humidity. We need an air dehumidifier to achieve the desired degree of humidity, and temperature, pass it through filters, and get air that is controlled for particles, temperature, and humidity.